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SLOTH: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SLOTH?

Need another word that means the same as “sloth”? Find 21 synonyms and 30 related words for “sloth” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Sloth” are: acedia, laziness, tree sloth, slothfulness, idleness, indolence, inactivity, inertia, sluggishness, apathy, accidie, listlessness, lassitude, passivity, lethargy, languor, torpidity, slowness, heaviness, dullness, shiftlessness

Sloth as a Noun

Definitions of "Sloth" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sloth” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • Apathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue (personified as one of the deadly sins.
  • A slow-moving tropical American mammal that hangs upside down from the branches of trees using its long limbs and hooked claws.
  • A group of bears.
  • Reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness.
  • Any of several slow-moving arboreal mammals of South America and Central America; they hang from branches back downward and feed on leaves and fruits.
  • A disinclination to work or exert yourself.

Synonyms of "Sloth" as a noun (21 Words)

accidieSpiritual or mental sloth; apathy.
acediaApathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue (personified as one of the deadly sins.
apathyLack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
Widespread apathy among students.
dullnessThe quality of lacking interestingness.
The dullness of the pencil made his writing illegible.
heavinessThe quality of having great weight.
The heaviness of the rains in the valley caused flooding.
idlenessA state of inaction; inactivity.
He was punished for his idleness at school.
inactivityReluctance to take action; apathy.
Don t suddenly take up violent exercise after years of inactivity.
indolenceAvoidance of activity or exertion; laziness.
My failure is probably due to my own indolence.
inertiaA property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force.
The power required to overcome friction and the inertia of the moving parts.
languorTiredness or inactivity, especially when pleasurable.
Her whole being was pervaded by a dreamy languor.
lassitudeA state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy.
She was overcome by lassitude and retired to bed.
lazinessInactivity resulting from a dislike of work.
It was sheer laziness on my part.
lethargyA pathological state of sleepiness or deep unresponsiveness and inactivity.
There was an air of lethargy about him.
listlessnessA feeling of lack of interest or energy.
passivityThe trait of remaining inactive; a lack of initiative.
The perceived passivity of the populace is deceptive.
shiftlessnessA failure to be active as a consequence of lack of initiative or ambition.
slothfulnessA disinclination to work or exert yourself.
slownessUnskillfulness resulting from a lack of training.
Elizabeth made her way upstairs with painful slowness.
sluggishnessA state of comatose torpor (as found in sleeping sickness.
The sluggishness of the economy.
torpidityA state of motor and mental inactivity with a partial suspension of sensibility.
tree slothA tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms.

Usage Examples of "Sloth" as a noun

  • He should overcome his natural sloth and complacency.
  • The pair had been attacked by a sloth of bears.

Associations of "Sloth" (30 Words)

anteaterNocturnal burrowing mammal of the grasslands of Africa that feeds on termites; sole extant representative of the order Tubulidentata.
armfulA large quantity.
A shop assistant scuttled into the changing rooms with an armful of clothes.
bisonAny of several large humped bovids having shaggy manes and large heads and short horns.
bulky(of a person) heavily built.
A bulky overcoat clad figure.
colossalSo great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe.
Has a colossal nerve.
cormorantLarge voracious dark-colored long-necked seabird with a distensible pouch for holding fish; used in Asia to catch fish.
disserviceA harmful action.
He did them a disservice.
elephantineOf, resembling, or characteristic of an elephant or elephants, especially in being large, clumsy, or awkward.
There was an elephantine thud from the bathroom.
enormousVery large in size, quantity, or extent.
The possibilities are enormous.
A gargantuan appetite.
giantUsed in names of very large animals and plants e g giant hogweed giant tortoise.
A giant among sportsmen.
giganticSo exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or mammoth.
A gigantic concrete tower.
hulking(of a person or object) very large, heavy, or clumsy.
A hulking figure of a man.
immenseExtremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.
The Los Angeles aqueduct winds like an immense snake along the base of the mountains.
largenessThe property of having a relatively great size.
A man distinguished by the largeness and scope of his views.
leopardThe leopard as a heraldic device.
A leopard print outfit.
leviathanA very large aquatic creature, especially a whale.
They were assigned the leviathan of textbooks.
mammothSo exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or mammoth.
A mammoth corporation.
massive(of rocks or beds) having no discernible form or structure.
A massive heart attack.
monsterA thing of extraordinary or daunting size.
This is a monster of a book almost 500 pages.
monstrousDistorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous.
Twisted into monstrous shapes.
ogreA cruel or terrifying person.
It is clear that I am no ogre.
oversizeLarger than normal for its kind.
oversizedBigger than the usual size.
An oversized T shirt.
rhinocerosA large, heavily built plant-eating mammal with one or two horns on the nose and thick folded skin, native to Africa and southern Asia. All kinds have become endangered through hunting.
sizedHaving the surface treated or coated with sizing.
Comfortably sized rooms.
stupendousSo great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe.
The most stupendous views.
titanicOf exceptional strength, size, or power.
A series of titanic explosions.
tremendousVery great in amount, scale, or intensity.
A plane took off with a tremendous noise.
voluminous(of clothes) very loose or full; having much fabric.
A voluminous skirt.

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