Need another word that means the same as “smite”? Find 55 synonyms for “smite” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Smite” are: afflict, strike, slap, smack, cuff, punch, beat, thrash, thump, batter, belabour, drub, hook, pound, smash, slam, welt, pummel, hammer, bang, knock, swat, whip, flog, cane, rain blows on, give someone a beating, give someone a drubbing, give someone a good beating, give someone a good drubbing, box someone's ears, attack, assail, trouble, harrow, torment, torture, taken with, attracted to, enchanted by, keen on, head over heels in love with, blow, hit, thwack, box, rap, buffet
Smite as a Noun
Definitions of "Smite" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “smite” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A heavy blow or stroke with a weapon or the hand.

Synonyms of "Smite" as a noun (13 Words)
blow | An act of blowing an instrument. He gave his nose a loud blow. |
box | A box junction. Tick the box on the coupon. |
buffet | A meal set out on a buffet at which guests help themselves. A cold buffet lunch. |
cuff | Handcuffs. A pair of faded denims with the cuffs rolled up. |
hit | An instance of striking or being struck. I think people will try to take a hit at my credibility. |
knock | The sound of knocking as on a door or in an engine or bearing. A splendid knock of 117 against Somerset. |
punch | An iced mixed drink usually containing alcohol and prepared for multiple servings normally served in a punch bowl. He has the punch to knock out anyone in his division. |
rap | A type of popular music of US black origin in which words are recited rapidly and rhythmically over an instrumental backing. Rap artists. |
slap | A sound made or as if made by a slap. She heard the slap of water against the harbour wall. |
smack | The act of smacking something a blow delivered with an open hand. She gave Mark a smack across the face. |
thump | A dull, heavy blow with a person’s fist or a blunt implement. I felt a thump on my back. |
thwack | A sharp blow. He hit it with a hefty thwack. |
welt | A heavy blow. Let me give it a welt with my hammer. |
Usage Examples of "Smite" as a noun
- The kirk rang with slaps and smites.
Smite as a Verb
Definitions of "Smite" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “smite” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Strike with a firm blow.
- Inflict a heavy blow on, with the hand, a tool, or a weapon.
- Defeat or conquer (a people or land.
- Be strongly attracted to someone or something.
- (especially of disease) attack or affect severely.
- Cause physical pain or suffering in.
- Affect suddenly with deep feeling.
Synonyms of "Smite" as a verb (42 Words)
afflict | Cause physical pain or suffering in. He comforted the afflicted. |
assail | Criticize strongly. Serbian forces assailed Bosnian towns all week. |
attack | Launch an attack or assault on begin hostilities or start warfare with. I attacked the problem as soon as I got out of bed. |
attracted to | Be attractive to. |
bang | Leap jerk bang. He banged the kitchen door shut behind him. |
batter | Make a dent or impression in. A prisoner was battered to death with a table leg. |
beat | Shape by beating. They hire boys to beat the Yorkshire moors for game birds. |
belabour | Attack verbally with harsh criticism. There is no need to belabour the point. |
box someone's ears | Hit with the fist. |
cane | Beat with a cane. They have caned Essex and Durham in the Championship. |
cuff | Confine or restrain with or as if with manacles or handcuffs. The man s hands were cuffed behind his back. |
drub | Beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight. He was drubbed with tiresome regularity by his classmates. |
enchanted by | Hold spellbound. |
flog | Beat (someone) with a whip or stick as a punishment. By 10 pm we had flogged up the slopes to Grey Crag. |
give someone a beating | Allow to have or take. |
give someone a drubbing | Transmit (knowledge or skills. |
give someone a good beating | Convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture. |
give someone a good drubbing | Bestow, especially officially. |
hammer | Hit or beat something repeatedly with a hammer or similar object. Hammer the metal flat. |
harrow | Draw a harrow over land. Todd could take it whereas I m harrowed by it. |
head over heels in love with | Form a head or come or grow to a head. |
hook | Catch with a hook. The truck had a red lamp hooked to its tailgate. |
keen on | Express grief verbally. |
knock | Knock against with force or violence. You have had a setback that has knocked your self esteem. |
pound | Place or shut up in a pound. The prisoners are safely pounded. |
pummel | Strike repeatedly with the fists. He has been pummelled by the reviewers. |
punch | Drive forcibly as if by a punch. He punched her in the face and ran off. |
rain blows on | Precipitate as rain. |
slam | Dance the slam dance. He slammed a shot into the net. |
slap | Hit against or into something with the sound of something being slapped. The impatient teacher slapped the student. |
smack | Crack (a whip. The teacher smacked the student who had misbehaved. |
smash | Hit or attack (someone) very violently. My Volvo s been smashed up. |
strike | Undertake strike action against an employer. Strike a balance. |
swat | Hit or crush (something, especially an insect) with a sharp blow from a flat object. She was swatting at a fly. |
taken with | Engage for service under a term of contract. |
thrash | Give a thrashing to beat hard. The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed. |
thump | Play a tune enthusiastically but heavy-handedly. Holman thumped the desk with his hand. |
torment | Torment emotionally or mentally. He was tormented by jealousy. |
torture | Subject to torture. Most of the victims had been brutally tortured. |
trouble | Take the trouble to do something concern oneself. My legs started to trouble me. |
welt | Provide with a welt. Welt the shoes. |
whip | Strike as if by whipping. He whipped out his revolver and shot him. |
Usage Examples of "Smite" as a verb
- She was smitten with the boy.
- Various people had been smitten with untimely summer flu.
- He smites the water with his sword.
- He may smite our enemies.