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SO TO SPEAK MEANING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SO TO SPEAK MEANING?

Need another word that means the same as “so to speak meaning”? Find 30 related words for “so to speak meaning” in this overview.

Associations of "So to speak meaning" (30 Words)

actuallyUsed when expressing a contradictory or unexpected opinion or correcting someone.
She actually spoke Latin.
aforementionedDenoting a thing or person previously mentioned.
Works of all the aforementioned authors.
aforesaidBeing the one previously mentioned or spoken of.
candidlyIn an honest and straightforward way; frankly.
He candidly discussed his efforts to find employment.
certifyDeclare legally insane.
The Law Society will certify that the sum charged is fair and reasonable.
chatBirds having a chattering call.
He dropped in for a chat.
chatterMake noise as if chattering away.
The starlings constant chatter.
dahThe longer of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code.
describeMark out or draw (a geometrical figure.
The man was described as tall clean shaven and with short dark hair.
dialogA conversation between two persons.
dialogueProvide a film or play with a dialogue.
The USA would enter into a direct dialogue with Vietnam.
explainGive a reason so as to justify or excuse (an action or event.
He explained the laws of physics to his students.
gibberishUnintelligible talking.
He talks gibberish.
herebyBy means of this.
I hereby declare you man and wife.
honestlyIt is sincerely the case that used as intensives reflecting the speaker s attitude honestly adv in an honest manner.
She honestly believed that she was making life easier for Jack.
literallyUsed for emphasis while not being literally true.
Tiramisu literally translated pull me up.
mentionAn instance of being mentioned in dispatches.
I haven t mentioned it to William yet.
narrativeThe practice or art of telling stories.
Traditions of oral narrative.
palaverHave a lengthy discussion, usually between people of different backgrounds.
It s too hot for palavering.
prateIdle or foolish and irrelevant talk.
I heard him prate on for at least an hour and a half.
recitativeMusical declamation of the kind usual in the narrative and dialogue parts of opera and oratorio, sung in the rhythm of ordinary speech with many words on the same note.
Singing in recitative.
speech(language) communication by word of mouth.
The actor forgot his speech.
spokenSpeaking in a specified way.
Sharp spoken.
talkThe act of giving a talk to an audience.
A talk on a day in the life of an actor.
talkingThe action of talking speech or discussion.
I ll do the talking you just back me up.
thereforeFrom that fact or reason or as a result used to introduce a logical conclusion therefore adv as a consequence.
He was injured and therefore unable to play.
thusFrom that fact or reason or as a result used to introduce a logical conclusion thus adv in the way indicated thusly is a nonstandard variant.
She rang up Susan and while she was thus engaged Chignell summoned the doctor.
trulyBy right.
He speaks truly.
verbosityThe fact or quality of using more words than needed; wordiness.
A critic with a reputation for verbosity.
vocalRelating to or designed for or using the singing voice.
A clear guitar backing topped with haunting vocals.

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