Need another word that means the same as “soon”? Find 31 synonyms and 30 related words for “soon” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Soon” are: before long, presently, shortly, in a short time, in the near future, in a little while, in a minute, in a moment, in an instant, in a twinkling, in the twinkling of an eye, before you know it, by and by, earlier, before, beforehand, in advance, in readiness, ahead of time, already, early, quickly, promptly, speedily, punctually, rather, by preference, preferably, by choice, more willingly, more readily
Soon as an Adverb
Definitions of "Soon" as an adverb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “soon” as an adverb can have the following definitions:
- In or after a short time.
- Early.
- Used to indicate one's preference in a particular matter.
- In the near future.

Synonyms of "Soon" as an adverb (31 Words)
ahead of time | Ahead of time in anticipation. |
already | As surprisingly soon or early as this. It was already past four o clock. |
before | During the period of time preceding a particular event or time. They began trotting through the city with guards running before and behind. |
before long | Earlier in time; previously. |
before you know it | Earlier in time; previously. |
beforehand | Before an action or event; in advance. Should have made reservations beforehand. |
by and by | In reserve; not for immediate use. |
by choice | In reserve; not for immediate use. |
by preference | In reserve; not for immediate use. |
earlier | Earlier in time previously. Her parents had died four years earlier. |
early | During an early stage. I was planning to finish work early today. |
in a little while | To or toward the inside of. |
in a minute | To or toward the inside of. |
in a moment | To or toward the inside of. |
in a short time | To or toward the inside of. |
in a twinkling | To or toward the inside of. |
in advance | To or toward the inside of. |
in an instant | To or toward the inside of. |
in readiness | To or toward the inside of. |
in the near future | To or toward the inside of. |
in the twinkling of an eye | To or toward the inside of. |
more readily | Used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs. |
more willingly | Comparative of much; to a greater degree or extent. |
preferably | Ideally; if possible. He would like a place of his own preferably outside the town. |
presently | At the present time; now. There are presently 1 128 people on the waiting list. |
promptly | With little or no delay; immediately. He paid the fine promptly. |
punctually | At the expected or proper time. Four out of five trains were arriving punctually. |
quickly | With little or no delay. We moved quickly to deal with our auditor s questions. |
rather | Used before verbs so as to make the expression of a feeling or opinion less assertive. I d rather you didn t tell him. |
shortly | In a concise manner; in a few words. They received a letter shortly outlining the proposals. |
speedily | Quickly or promptly. Your claim will be dealt with as speedily as possible. |

Usage Examples of "Soon" as an adverb
- They arrived soon after 7.30.
- I'd just as soon Tim did it.
- He'll be home soon.
- How soon can you get here?
- The doctor will soon be here.
- I'd sooner stay where I am.
- I wish you'd told me sooner.
- Everyone will soon know the truth.
- It's a pity you have to leave so soon.
- It was too soon to know.

Associations of "Soon" (30 Words)
after | At a later or future time afterwards. He was sorry in after years. |
approaching | Coming nearer in distance or time. He warned of an approaching crisis. |
belated | Coming or happening later than should have been the case. A belated birthday card. |
briefly | Using few words; concisely. Briefly the plot is as follows. |
coming | The temporal property of becoming nearer in time. The coming of a new age. |
concisely | In a way that is brief but comprehensive. The history is summed up concisely in this book. |
current | A steady flow of a fluid (usually from natural causes. Current psychoanalytic theories. |
currently | At this time or period; now. Currently they live in Connecticut. |
forthcoming | Ready or made available when wanted or needed. Financial support was not forthcoming. |
freshly | In an impudent or impertinent manner. A freshly cleaned floor. |
future | A verb tense that expresses actions or states in the future. Work on the building will be shelved for the foreseeable future. |
hereafter | The time yet to come. Suffering is part of our preparation for the hereafter. |
impending | (of an event regarded as threatening or significant) about to happen; forthcoming. A fortune teller with dire warnings about impending doom. |
late | Later than usual or than expected. The late 1960s. |
lately | Recently; not long ago. She hasn t been looking too well lately. |
latest | Up to the immediate present; most recent or most up-to-date. The very latest scientific discoveries. |
newly | In a new or different manner. A newly acquired hi fi system. |
now | In these times- Nancy Mitford. I didn t receive the letter but it hardly matters now. |
nowadays | In these times- Nancy Mitford. Nowadays many people condemn hunting. |
overtake | Catch up with and possibly overtake. Germany rapidly overtook Britain in industrial output. |
precocity | Intelligence achieved far ahead of normal developmental schedules. |
present | Something presented as a gift. She did not expect to find herself in her present situation. |
presently | At this time or period; now. This will be examined in more detail presently. |
recent | Having happened, begun, or been done not long ago; belonging to a past period comparatively close to the present. A recent addition to the house. |
recently | In the recent past. I recently bought a CD player. |
shortly | In a short time; soon. To put it shortly. |
thereafter | After that time. It was agreed that the meeting be held annually thereafter. |
timing | The regulation of occurrence, pace, or coordination to achieve a desired effect (as in music, theater, athletics, mechanics. The introduction of new signal timings. |
today | On or in the course of this present day. Today almost every home has television. |
upcoming | About to happen; forthcoming. The upcoming election. |