SPARED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SPARED?

Need another word that means the same as “spared”? Find 30 related words for “spared” in this overview.

Associations of "Spared" (30 Words)

additionA person or thing added or joined.
You will find the coat a useful addition to your wardrobe.
additionalFurther or added.
We require additional information.
additionallyAs an extra factor or circumstance.
Brokers finance themselves additionally by short term borrowing.
dispensableAble to be replaced or done without; superfluous.
The captain s loss of form made him dispensable.
exceptTake exception to.
Five classes of advertisement are excepted from control.
excessExcessive indulgence.
Trying to lose excess weight.
extraExcessive or extravagant.
An extra pair of shoes.
extraneousNot essential.
Extraneous light in the camera spoiled the photograph.
glutSatisfy fully.
The roads are glutted with cars.
needlessUnnecessary and unwarranted.
I deplore needless waste.
oversupplyThe quality of being so overabundant that prices fall.
Oversupply causes prices to fall.
paddingArtifact consisting of soft or resilient material used to fill or give shape or protect or add comfort.
Cushions supplied extra padding and decoration.
plethoraExtreme excess.
A plethora of committees and subcommittees.
prolixTediously prolonged or tending to speak or write at great length.
He found the narrative too prolix and discursive.
redundanceThe attribute of being superfluous and unneeded.
redundant(of words or data) able to be omitted without loss of meaning or function.
Yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant.
subsidiaryA company that is completely controlled by another company.
Many argue that the cause of animal rights is subsidiary to that of protecting the environment.
summationA concluding summary (as in presenting a case before a law court.
These will need summation in a single document.
superabundanceA quantity that is more than what is appropriate.
supererogatoryMore than is needed, desired, or required.
It was supererogatory of her to gloat.
superfluityThe state of being superfluous.
A superfluity of unoccupied time.
superfluousUnnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
Delete superfluous or unnecessary words.
supernumeraryA supernumerary person or thing.
A pair of supernumerary teats.
supplementaryA supplementary person or thing.
The development of databases supplementary to existing ones.
surfeitSupply or feed to surfeit.
A surfeit of food and drink.
surplusMore than is needed, desired, or required.
She had picked up her boots in an army surplus store.
unessentialNot basic or fundamental.
A train has broken down resulting in a call to postpone all unessential travel.
unnecessaryUnnecessary things.
Good construction is essential to avoid unnecessary waste.
unoccupied(of a country or area) not occupied by an enemy.
Unoccupied areas of France.
verbiageThe manner in which something is expressed in words.
The basic idea here despite all the verbiage is simple.

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