Need another word that means the same as “specifically”? Find 30 related words for “specifically” in this overview.
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Associations of "Specifically" (30 Words)
adapted | Changed in order to improve or made more fit for a particular purpose. Seeds precisely adapted to the area. |
apparent | Appearing as such but not necessarily so. It became apparent that he was talented. |
blatant | (of bad behaviour) done openly and unashamedly. Incredibly blatant product placement. |
clearly | In an intelligible manner. Clearly things have changed in the last six weeks. |
conspicuous | Without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious. A tower conspicuous at a great distance. |
defined | Having a definite outline or specification; precisely marked or stated. Lost in a maze of words both defined and undefined. |
dispensation | An exemption from some rule or obligation. The Pope granted Henry a dispensation to marry Elizabeth of York. |
distinct | Clearly or sharply defined to the mind. Distinct fingerprints. |
egregious | Outstandingly bad; shocking. Egregious abuses of copyright. |
especial | For or belonging chiefly to one person or thing. These traditions are of especial interest to feminists. |
especially | Used to single out one person or thing over all others. An especially or specially cautious approach to the danger. |
exceptionally | Only in unusual circumstances. The court allows half an hour in most cases one hour exceptionally for a very important case. |
featured | (of a newspaper or magazine article, broadcast programme, or show) made a special attraction. My aunt was a tall hard featured lady. |
flagrant | Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible. Flagrant violation of human rights. |
insofar | To the degree or extent that. Insofar as it can be ascertained the horse lung is comparable to that of man. |
marked | Strongly marked easily noticeable. Well marked roads. |
notably | Especially; in particular. Such a statement is notably absent from the government s proposals. |
noticed | Being perceived or observed. An easily noticed effect on the rate of growth. |
obvious | Easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind. It was an obvious remark to make. |
particular | A fact about some part (as opposed to general. Interested in one particular artist. |
particularly | Used to single out a subject to which a statement is especially applicable. He was particularly fussy about spelling. |
pronounced | Very noticeable or marked; conspicuous. He had a pronounced squint. |
selected | Chosen in preference to another. |
singularly | In a remarkable or noticeable way. A singularly unattractive colour. |
special | Used to denote education for children with particular needs especially those with learning difficulties. A special reason to confide in her. |
specially | For a special purpose. An especially or specially cautious approach to the danger. |
specific | A medicine that has a mitigating effect on a specific disease. Specific conductance. |
specificity | The quality of being specific to a particular organism. The sensitivity of paramedics for diagnosis of stroke was 66 with a specificity of 98. |
tailored | Severely simple in line or design. A tailored charcoal grey suit. |
trim | Adjust the balance of a ship or aircraft by rearranging its cargo or by means of its trim tabs. Refinements such as air conditioning and leather trim. |