Need another word that means the same as “startling”? Find 8 synonyms and 30 related words for “startling” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Startling” are: surprising, astonishing, amazing, unexpected, unforeseen, staggering, shocking, stunning
Startling as an Adjective
Definitions of "Startling" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “startling” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Very surprising, astonishing, or remarkable.
- So remarkably different or sudden as to cause momentary shock or alarm.

Synonyms of "Startling" as an adjective (8 Words)
amazing | Inspiring awe or admiration or wonder. She makes the most amazing cakes. |
astonishing | Extremely surprising or impressive; amazing. An astonishing achievement. |
shocking | Giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation- Thackeray. Shocking behaviour. |
staggering | So surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm. Suffered a staggering defeat. |
stunning | Causing or capable of causing bewilderment or shock or insensibility. A stunning detonation with volumes of black smoke. |
surprising | Causing surprise or wonder or amazement. The report shows a surprising lack of hard factual data. |
unexpected | Not expected or anticipated. He seemed to have a knack for saying the unexpected. |
unforeseen | Not anticipated- H.W.Glidden. Unforeseen circumstances. |

Usage Examples of "Startling" as an adjective
- He bore a startling likeness to their father.
- Sydney's startling new Opera House.
- Startling earthquake shocks.
- She had startling blue eyes.
- Startling news.

Associations of "Startling" (30 Words)
admirable | Arousing or deserving respect and approval. Trains ran with admirable precision. |
amaze | Be a mystery or bewildering to. He has been amazed by the quality of the employees at the bank. |
amazing | Causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing. She does an amazing amount of work. |
astonish | Surprise or impress (someone) greatly. You never fail to astonish me. |
astonishing | Surprising greatly. Such an enormous response was astonishing. |
astound | Affect with wonder. Her bluntness astounded him. |
astounding | Bewildering or striking dumb with wonder. The summit offers astounding views. |
awesome | Extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring awe. The band is truly awesome. |
curiously | In a strange and unusual way. Neighbours peered curiously through windows at me. |
daze | A state of stunned confusion or bewilderment. She was dazed by his revelations. |
discovery | The act of discovering something. The discovery of the body. |
impress | Impress positively. Nobody impressed on me the need to save. |
inconceivable | Totally unlikely. They behaved with inconceivable cruelty. |
incredible | Difficult to believe; extraordinary. The book s plot is simply incredible. |
incredibly | To a great degree; extremely. Incredibly she survived the crash. |
marvelous | Extraordinarily good or great; used especially as intensifiers. A marvelous collection of rare books. |
prodigious | So great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe. Her memory was prodigious. |
revelation | The last book of the New Testament recounting a divine revelation of the future to St John. Revelations about his personal life. |
serendipity | Good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries. A fortunate stroke of serendipity. |
shattering | Very shocking or upsetting. The shattering tones of the enormous carillon. |
shock | Subject to electrical shocks. The old car needed a new set of shocks. |
shocking | Giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation- Thackeray. The most shocking book of its time. |
staggering | Deeply shocking; astonishing. Suffered a staggering defeat. |
stupefy | Make dull or stupid or muddle with drunkenness or infatuation. The offence of administering drugs to a woman with intent to stupefy her. |
surprised | Feeling or showing surprise. Surprised that he remembered my name. |
surprising | Causing surprise or wonder or amazement. A surprising sequence of events. |
surprisingly | In an amazing manner; to everyone’s surprise. The move was surprisingly easy. |
unexpected | Not expected or regarded as likely to happen. He seemed to have a knack for saying the unexpected. |
unexpectedly | In a way that was not expected. He died unexpectedly of a heart attack. |
wonderful | Extraordinarily good or great ; used especially as intensifiers. They all think she s wonderful. |