STRAIGHT UP: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STRAIGHT UP?

Need another word that means the same as “straight up”? Find 30 related words for “straight up” in this overview.

Associations of "Straight up" (30 Words)

ascend(of a voice or sound) rise in pitch.
We had ascended 3 000 ft.
ascendingMoving or going or growing upward.
The ascending staircase.
ascentA movement upward.
The first ascent of the Matterhorn.
boostGive a boost to be beneficial to.
The cut in interest rates will give a further boost to the economy.
climbA mountain hill or slope that is climbed.
He climbed up the steps slowly.
climbingThe sport or activity of climbing mountains or cliffs.
Climbing equipment.
elevateRaise to a more important or impressive level.
The exercise will naturally elevate your chest and head.
elevatorA shoe with a raised insole designed to make the wearer appear taller.
Elevators of the upper lip.
escalatorA moving staircase consisting of an endlessly circulating belt of steps driven by a motor, which conveys people between the floors of a public building.
highA high place.
Blurring the distinctions between high art and popular art.
hoistRaise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help.
She hoisted her backpack on to her shoulder.
ladderWith reference to tights or stockings develop or cause to develop a ladder.
I laddered my tights as I arrived this morning.
liftAn act of lifting.
The fog lifted.
mountingThe action of mounting something.
The mounting of rapid fire guns.
precipitateA precipitated solid substance in suspension or after settling or filtering.
The bridge broke and precipitated the train into the river below.
precipitous(of an action) done suddenly and without careful consideration.
Precipitous intervention.
raiseRaise from a lower to a higher position.
He got a 3 raise.
riseRise up.
The officer was a man of great courage who had risen from the ranks.
risen(of e.g. celestial bodies) above the horizon.
The risen sun.
risingGoing up, increasing, or sloping upward.
The Warsaw rising of 1944.
soarThe act of rising upward into the air.
When she heard his voice her spirits soared.
soaring(of a bird) maintaining height in the air without flapping its wings.
The soaring crime rate.
stairsA flight of stairs or a flight of steps.
stepladderA short folding ladder with flat steps and a small platform.
uphillAgainst difficulties.
He gave mountain biking clinics on handling steep uphills.
upstairsAn upper floor.
An upstairs room.
upwardMoving, pointing, or leading to a higher place, point, or level.
From childhood upward.
verticalA vertical line or plane.
The resort claims a vertical of 2 100 metres.
verticallyAt right angles to a horizontal plane; aligned in such a way that the top is directly above the bottom.
The bacteria are vertically transmitted from mother to offspring.
zoomCause a lens or camera to zoom in or out.
Zoom out for a wide view of the garden again.

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