Need another word that means the same as “sufficient”? Find 4 synonyms and 30 related words for “sufficient” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Sufficient” are: enough, adequate, ample, abundant
Sufficient as an Adjective
Definitions of "Sufficient" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sufficient” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Enough; adequate.
- Of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement but without being abundant.

Synonyms of "Sufficient" as an adjective (4 Words)
abundant | Having plenty of. There was abundant evidence to support the theory. |
adequate | About average; acceptable. More than adequate as a secretary. |
ample | Fairly large. An ample supply. |
enough | Sufficient for the purpose. Enough food. |

Usage Examples of "Sufficient" as an adjective
- They had sufficient resources to survive.
- Sufficient food.
- She had a small private income that was sufficient for her needs.
- We have sufficient reason for supposing this to be the case.

Associations of "Sufficient" (30 Words)
abundant | Present in great quantity. The riverbanks were abundant in beautiful wild plants. |
abundantly | In an abundant manner. They were abundantly supplied with food. |
adequacy | The quality of being sufficient for the end in view. The adequacy of testing procedures. |
adequate | Having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task. An adequate income. |
amazing | Surprising greatly. An amazing number of people registered. |
ample | Enough or more than enough; plentiful. There is ample time for discussion. |
amply | To an ample degree or in an ample manner. These voices were amply represented. |
bountiful | Producing in abundance. This bountiful God has thought of everything. |
copious | Profuse in speech or ideas. I had been a little too copious in talking of my country. |
copiously | In large quantities. I was drinking copiously. |
enough | An adequate quantity a quantity that is large enough to achieve a purpose. Curiously enough this is not a new phenomenon. |
entire | Constituting the undiminished entirety lacking nothing essential especially not damaged. An ideological system with which he is in entire agreement. |
equipped | Provided with whatever is necessary for a purpose (as furniture or equipment or authority. A ship equipped with every mechanical aid to navigation. |
exceeding | Extremely exceedingly. A night of exceeding darkness. |
exceptional | Unusual; not typical. Exceptional kindness. |
full | Gather or pleat fabric so as to make a garment full. She turned her head and looked full into his face. |
fully | Referring to a quantity. Fully 65 per cent of all funerals are by cremation. |
large | A garment size for a large person. The concert attracted large crowds. |
plentiful | Producing in abundance. Food is plentiful. |
plentitude | A full supply. |
prodigious | Far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree. Her memory was prodigious. |
profuse | (especially of something offered or discharged) very plentiful; abundant. They are profuse in hospitality. |
replete | Filled to satisfaction with food or drink. It is replete with misery. |
sizable | Fairly large. A sizable fortune. |
spacious | Having ample space. A spacious ballroom. |
suffice | Be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity. Two examples should suffice to prove the contention. |
sufficiency | Self sufficiency or independence of character especially of an arrogant or imperious sort. A sufficiency of good food. |
surpassing | Exceeding or surpassing usual limits especially in excellence. A picture of surpassing beauty. |
vast | An immense space. The vast accumulation of knowledge which we call civilization. |
voluminous | (of writing) very lengthy and detailed. A subject of voluminous legislation. |