TAKE THE PLUNGE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TAKE THE PLUNGE?

Need another word that means the same as “take the plunge”? Find 30 related words for “take the plunge” in this overview.

Associations of "Take the plunge" (30 Words)

acquisitionSomething acquired.
The child s acquisition of language.
bringGo or come after and bring or take back.
This brings me to the main point.
broachA decorative pin worn by women.
He broached the subject he had been avoiding all evening.
buccaneerLive like a buccaneer.
The company might be a target for an individual buccaneer seeking power and prestige.
cascadeRush down in big quantities like a cascade.
A cascade of pink bougainvillea.
clutchThe pedal operating the clutch in a vehicle.
He stood clutching a microphone.
confiscateAppropriate (something, especially land) to the public treasury as a penalty.
The government confiscated his property early in the war.
deprivationThe lack or denial of something considered to be a necessity.
Losing him is no great deprivation.
depriveTake away possessions from someone.
The Archbishop deprived a considerable number of puritan clergymen.
dispossess(in sport) deprive (a player) of the ball.
A champion of the poor and the dispossessed.
dropThe act of dropping something.
He studied the shapes of low viscosity drops.
fetchThe action of fetching.
That air of his always fetches women.
forfeitThe action of forfeiting something.
She didn t mind forfeiting an hour in bed to muck out the horses.
forfeitureA penalty for a fault or mistake that involves losing or giving up something.
Magistrates ordered the forfeiture of his computer.
grabA mechanical device for clutching, lifting, and moving things, especially materials in bulk.
How does that grab you.
holdHold the attention of.
She holds her head high.
impoundTake temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority.
It will impound a reservoir 130 miles long.
impoverishMake (a person or area) poor.
The wars had impoverished him.
lootInformal terms for money.
Ten thousand quid is a lot of loot.
ownHave ownership or possession of.
He owns three houses in Florida.
pickingThe act of picking crops or fruit or hops etc.
He sent the first picking of berries to the market.
plunderPlunder a town after capture.
This writer plundered from famous authors.
procureObtain (something), especially with care or effort.
He haunted railway stations to procure young girls for immoral purposes.
ransackSearch thoroughly.
Burglars ransacked her home.
robRip off; ask an unreasonable price.
He tried with three others to rob a bank.
seizeSeize and take control without authority and possibly with force take as one s right or possession.
The FBI seized the drugs.
unavailable(of a person) not free to do something; otherwise occupied.
Material which is unavailable to the researcher.
waterfallRelating to or denoting a method of project management that is characterized by sequential stages and a fixed plan of work.
Each phase of a waterfall project must be complete prior to moving to the next phase.

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