TAKING IN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TAKING IN?

Need another word that means the same as “taking in”? Find 30 related words for “taking in” in this overview.

Associations of "Taking in" (30 Words)

accessReach or gain access to.
How does one access the attic in this house.
admissionThe fee charged for admission.
There was a substantial reduction in hospital admissions.
admittanceThe right to enter.
People were unable to gain admittance to the hall.
apertureAn opening, hole, or gap.
The bell ropes passed through apertures in the ceiling.
disembodiedNot having a material body.
A disembodied ghost.
enchantingDelightfully charming or attractive.
Dinah looked enchanting.
entranceAn opening, such as a door, passage, or gate, that allows access to a place.
About fifty people attempted to gain entrance.
entreeThe right to enter.
She made a graceful entree into the ballroom.
entryThe point at which a particular performer in an ensemble starts or resumes playing or singing.
The door was locked but he forced an entry.
fetchingVery attractive; capturing interest.
A fetching little garment of pink satin.
furnishingDenoting fabrics used for curtains or upholstery.
A large room filled with fine ornaments and luxurious furnishings.
indoorRelating to sports played indoors.
The national indoor champion.
indoorsThe area or space inside a building.
They went indoors and explored the house.
inlandCarried on within the limits of a country; domestic.
The inland port of Gloucester.
inmostBeing deepest within the self.
innerInnermost or essential.
A test of inner strength.
insideBeing or applying to the inside of a building.
We walked inside.
interiorOf or coming from the middle of a region or country.
The layer immediately interior to the epidermis.
internalLocated inward- Leonard Bernstein- David Denby.
The internal contradictions of the theory.
intramuralTaking place within a single educational institution.
An intramural haematoma.
inwardDirected or moving inward or toward a center.
A graceful inward movement of her wrist.
inwardlyWithin the mind.
Inwardly she was raging.
liningThe act of attaching an inside lining to a garment or curtain etc.
Self clean oven linings.
locatedSituated in a particular spot or position.
Valuable centrally located urban land.
successfulHaving succeeded or being marked by a favorable outcome.
A successful business venture.
therein(formal) in or into that thing or place.
Therein lie all the problems.
trappedForced to turn and face attackers.
Like a trapped animal.
upstageMove upstage forcing the other actors to turn away from the audience.
When he tried to upstage her she sauntered down to the front of the stage.
winningHaving won.
The winning team.
withinInternally or inwardly.
Beauty coming from within.

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