Need another word that means the same as “tally”? Find 68 synonyms and 30 related words for “tally” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Tally” are: reckoning, run, count, counting, enumeration, numeration, total, score, sum, result, running total, record, register, account, roll, itemization, listing, sum total, grand total, aggregate, summation, gross, arithmetical problem, problem, calculation, question, counterpart, match, mate, duplicate, hit, rack up, chalk up, add, add together, add up, sum up, summate, tot, tot up, tote up, agree, check, correspond, fit, gibe, jibe, accord, concur, coincide, be in agreement, be consistent, conform, equate, harmonize, suit, be in tune, dovetail, correlate, parallel, calculate, enumerate, compute
Tally as a Noun
Definitions of "Tally" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “tally” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending order.
- A record of a score or amount.
- A mark registering a number or amount.
- A current score or amount.
- An account kept by means of a tally.
- A label giving information about a plant or tree.
- A particular number taken as a group or unit to facilitate counting.
- A bill for an amount due.
- A score in baseball made by a runner touching all four bases safely.
- A piece of wood scored across with notches for the items of an account and then split into halves, each party keeping one.
- A counterpart or duplicate of something.

Synonyms of "Tally" as a noun (30 Words)
account | The department of a company that deals with financial accounts. He asked to see the executive who handled his account. |
aggregate | A material or structure formed from a mass of fragments or particles loosely compacted together. The specimen is an aggregate of rock and mineral fragments. |
arithmetical problem | A state of difficulty that needs to be resolved. |
calculation | Problem solving that involves numbers or quantities. Decisions are shaped by political calculations. |
count | A nobleman in various countries having rank equal to a British earl. The counting continued for several hours. |
counterpart | A duplicate copy. The minister held talks with his French counterpart. |
counting | The act of counting reciting numbers in ascending order. The counting continued for several hours. |
duplicate | One of two or more identical things. Books may be disposed of if they are duplicates. |
enumeration | The act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending order. It is not necessary to give an exhaustive enumeration of the circumstances. |
grand total | A piano with the strings on a horizontal harp-shaped frame; usually supported by three legs. |
gross | A gross profit or income. Fifty five gross of tins of processed milk. |
itemization | The act of making a list of items. |
listing | A list or catalogue. |
match | The score needed to win a match. A boxing match. |
mate | South American tea like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate. A sock without its mate. |
numeration | The act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending order. |
problem | A proposition in which something has to be constructed. The problem of ageism in Hollywood. |
question | An instance of questioning. There is no question about the validity of the enterprise. |
reckoning | Contention for a place in a team or among the winners of a contest. By ancient reckoning bacteria are plants. |
record | A piece or collection of music reproduced on a record or on another medium. At 9 0 they have the best record in their league. |
register | A cashbox with an adding machine to register transactions used in shops to add up the bill. It was reproduced in full colour but unfortunately out of register. |
result | Something that results. The tower collapsed as a result of safety violations. |
roll | A roller for flattening something especially one used to shape metal in a rolling mill. Soup with a roll. |
run | A race run on foot. She broke the record for the half mile run. |
running total | The state of being in operation. |
score | A rating or grade, such as a mark achieved in a test. He tried to blame the victim but his success on that score was doubtful. |
sum | An arithmetical problem, especially at an elementary level. The sum of his own knowledge. |
sum total | A set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets. |
summation | The process whereby multiple stimuli can produce a response (in a muscle or nerve or other part) that one stimulus alone does not produce. These will need summation in a single document. |
total | The whole amount. In total 200 people were interviewed. |

Usage Examples of "Tally" as a noun
- Their first tally came in the 3rd inning.
- That takes his tally to 10 goals in 10 games.
- I kept a tally of David's debt on a note above my desk.
- The key is so cut as to form a tally with the interior machinery.

Tally as a Verb
Definitions of "Tally" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “tally” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Keep score, as in games.
- Gain points in a game.
- Calculate the total number of.
- Be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics.
- Agree or correspond.
- Determine the sum of.

Synonyms of "Tally" as a verb (38 Words)
accord | Give or grant someone (power, status, or recognition. His views accorded well with those of Merivale. |
add | Constitute an addition. This adds a light note to the program. |
add together | Make an addition by combining numbers. |
add up | Constitute an addition. |
agree | Consent or assent to a condition or agree to do something. In Australia the climate did not agree with me. |
be consistent | Have an existence, be extant. |
be in agreement | Be identical or equivalent to. |
be in tune | Occupy a certain position or area. |
calculate | Specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public. I was bright enough to calculate that she had been on vacation. |
chalk up | Write, draw, or trace with chalk. |
check | Write out a check on a bank account. The handwriting checks with the signature on the check. |
coincide | Be present at the same place and at the same time. Publication is timed to coincide with a major exhibition. |
compute | Seem reasonable; make sense. The idea just doesn t compute. |
concur | Be of the same opinion; agree. We strongly concur with this recommendation. |
conform | Adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions. The countryside should conform to a certain idea of the picturesque. |
correlate | To bear a reciprocal or mutual relation. I cannot correlate these two pieces of information. |
correspond | Have a close similarity; match or agree almost exactly. The carved heads described in the poem correspond to a drawing of Edgcote House. |
count | Take account of. I count myself fortunate to have known him. |
dovetail | Join together by means of a dovetail. Plan to enable parents to dovetail their career and family commitments. |
enumerate | Specify individually. 6 079 residents were enumerated in 241 establishments. |
equate | (of one thing) be the same as or equivalent to (another. Customers equate their name with quality. |
fit | Make fit. Many physicists tried to fit together the various pieces of the puzzle. |
gibe | Be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics. Some cynics in the media might gibe. |
harmonize | Sing or play in harmony. The colors don t harmonize. |
hit | Hit the intended target or goal. We hit Detroit by noon. |
jibe | Make insulting or mocking remarks; jeer. Some cynics in the media might jibe. |
match | Make equal uniform corresponding or matching. They matched suitably qualified applicants with institutions that had vacancies. |
parallel | Be side by side with something extending in a line always keeping the same distance run or lie parallel to. Their roles are paralleled by ours. |
rack up | Seize together, as of parallel ropes of a tackle in order to prevent running through the block. |
score | Decide on the score to be awarded to a competitor. Score the SAT essays. |
suit | Enhance the features, figure, or character of (someone. I suited up and entered the water. |
sum | Find the sum of two or more amounts. If we sum these equations we obtain X. |
sum up | Determine the sum of. |
summate | Determine the sum of. |
tot | Determine the sum of. |
tot up | Raise. |
total | Add up in number or quantity. He almost totalled the car. |
tote up | Raise. |

Usage Examples of "Tally" as a verb
- Their books never tallied.
- The votes were being tallied with abacuses.
- Their signatures should tally with their names on the register.

Associations of "Tally" (30 Words)
abacus | A simple device for calculating, consisting of a frame with rows of wires or grooves along which beads are slid. |
addition | A component that is added to something to improve it. He was a new addition to the staff. |
algebraic | Denoting a mathematical expression or equation in which a finite number of symbols are combined using only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation with constant rational exponents. Algebraic geometry. |
amount | Be tantamount or equivalent to. The bills amounted to 2 000. |
arithmetic | Relating to or involving arithmetic. The laws of arithmetic. |
auditor | A listener. The company is required to appoint auditors at each general meeting. |
calculator | A small machine that is used for mathematical calculations. A pocket calculator. |
compute | Make a mathematical calculation or computation. The hire charge is computed on a daily basis. |
count | Include as if by counting. A blood count. |
counting | The act of counting reciting numbers in ascending order. The counting continued for several hours. |
decimal | A fraction whose denominator is a power of ten and whose numerator is expressed by figures placed to the right of a decimal point. Decimal arithmetic. |
denominate | (of sums of money) be expressed in a specified monetary unit. The borrowings were denominated in US dollars. |
digit | The length of breadth of a finger used as a linear measure. 0 and 1 are digits. |
enumeration | The action of mentioning a number of things one by one. It is not necessary to give an exhaustive enumeration of the circumstances. |
exponent | A person who demonstrates a particular skill to a high standard. He s the world s leading exponent of country rock guitar. |
math | Mathematics. She teaches math and science. |
number | Determine the number or amount of. Take the number 2 to the main square then change to the number 5. |
numeral | A figure, symbol, or group of figures or symbols denoting a number. A numeral adjective. |
numerate | Determine the number or amount of. Teachers should ensure that their pupils are literate and numerate. |
numeration | The act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending order. |
numeric | Relating to or expressed as a number or numbers. A numeric symbol. |
numerical | Measured or expressed in numbers. Numerical order. |
quantify | Use as a quantifier. Can you quantify your results. |
score | Cause a teammate to score. McCartney scored a fine goal. |
sextet | A composition for a sextet. The sextet from The Marriage of Figaro. |
subtrahend | A quantity or number to be subtracted from another. |
sum | Be a summary of. The abstract summarizes the main ideas in the paper. |
thirteen | Being one more than twelve. |
three | One of four playing cards in a deck having three pips. |
twelve | Denoting a quantity consisting of 12 items or units. |