TEMPERED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TEMPERED?

Need another word that means the same as “tempered”? Find 3 synonyms and 30 related words for “tempered” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Tempered” are: hardened, toughened, treated

Tempered as an Adjective

Definitions of "Tempered" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “tempered” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Made hard or flexible or resilient especially by heat treatment.

Synonyms of "Tempered" as an adjective (3 Words)

hardenedUsed of persons emotionally hardened.
A hardened liar.
toughenedPhysically toughened.
treatedGiven medical care or treatment.
The sludge of treated sewage can be used as fertilizer.

Usage Examples of "Tempered" as an adjective

  • A sword of tempered steel.
  • Tempered glass.

Associations of "Tempered" (30 Words)

aggressionFeelings of anger or antipathy resulting in hostile or violent behaviour; readiness to attack or confront.
The sheer volume and aggression of his playing.
angryFeeling or showing anger.
Angry customers.
cantankerousStubbornly obstructive and unwilling to cooperate- Spectator.
He can be a cantankerous old fossil at times.
cholericEasily moved to anger- H.G.Wells.
A choleric outburst.
combustibleA combustible substance.
A combustible gas.
combustionThe process of burning something.
The combustion of fossil fuels.
exasperatedGreatly annoyed; out of patience.
Felt exasperated beyond endurance.
excitabilityExcessive sensitivity of an organ or body part.
fieryHaving a passionate and quick-tempered nature.
The car was painted a fiery red.
flammabilityThe quality of being easily ignited and burning rapidly.
furiousFull of anger or energy; violent or intense.
Furious about the accident.
impatienceA restless desire for change and excitement.
He was shifting in his seat with impatience.
indignantAngered at something unjust or wrong.
An indignant denial.
inflammableA substance which is easily set on fire.
Inflammable materials.
infuriatedMarked by extreme anger.
Infuriated onlookers charged the police who were beating the boy.
irascibleQuickly aroused to anger.
An irascible and difficult man.
irritabilityA disposition to exhibit uncontrolled anger.
Symptoms include insomnia and irritability.
mollifyMake more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else.
Nature reserves were set up around the power stations to mollify local conservationists.
nervousOf or relating to the nervous system.
A sensitive nervous person.
nervouslyWith nervous excitement.
I was blushing and smiling nervously.
outragedAngered at something unjust or wrong.
A look of outraged disbelief.
peevishHaving or showing an irritable disposition.
A thin peevish voice.
petulanceThe quality of being childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
A slight degree of petulance had crept into his voice.
querulousHabitually complaining.
She became querulous and demanding.
sighA sound like a person sighing.
She heard the sigh of the wind in the trees.
tantrumA display of bad temper.
He has temper tantrums if he can t get his own way.
tenseBecome stretched or tense or taut.
Carefully stretch and then tense your muscles.
testyEasily irritated; impatient and somewhat bad-tempered.
His testy disapproving father.
vexingCausing irritation or annoyance.
It is vexing to have to admit you are wrong.
volatilityThe trait of being unpredictably irresolute.
A week of historic stock market volatility.

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