Need another word that means the same as “tempting”? Find 20 synonyms and 30 related words for “tempting” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Tempting” are: tantalising, tantalizing, alluring, beguiling, enticing, attractive, appealing, inviting, captivating, seductive, appetizing, mouth-watering, delicious, succulent, luscious, toothsome, sexy, desirable, sexually attractive, provocative
Tempting as an Adjective
Definitions of "Tempting" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “tempting” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Very pleasantly inviting.
- Appealing to or attracting someone, even if wrong or unwise.
- Highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire.

Synonyms of "Tempting" as an adjective (20 Words)
alluring | Highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire. The town offers alluring shops and restaurants. |
appealing | (of characters in literature or drama) evoking empathic or sympathetic feelings. The idea of having enough money to retire at fifty is very appealing. |
appetizing | Stimulating one’s appetite. The appetizing aroma of sizzling bacon. |
attractive | Having qualities or features which arouse interest. Foliage can be as attractive as flowers. |
beguiling | Misleading by means of pleasant or alluring methods. A beguiling mixture of English French and Italian. |
captivating | Capable of attracting and holding interest; charming. Roosevelt was a captivating speaker. |
delicious | Extremely pleasing to the sense of taste. Delicious home baked brown bread. |
desirable | Wished for as being an attractive, useful, or necessary course of action. You re a very desirable woman. |
enticing | Attractive or tempting; alluring. Difficult to say no to an enticing advertisement. |
inviting | Offering the promise of an attractive or enjoyable experience. The sea down there looks so inviting. |
luscious | (of food or drink) having a pleasingly rich, sweet taste. A luscious and fragrant dessert wine. |
mouth-watering | Pleasing to the sense of taste. |
provocative | Serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate; stimulating discussion or exciting controversy- Anthony Trollope. Her gestures and postures became more wanton and provocative. |
seductive | Tempting and attractive; enticing. A seductive voice. |
sexually attractive | Having the properties of a magnet; the ability to draw or pull. |
succulent | Full of juice. The ever increasing popularity of succulent plants. |
tantalising | Very pleasantly inviting. |
tantalizing | Arousing desire or expectation for something unattainable or mockingly out of reach. A tantalizing taste of success. |
toothsome | (of a person) good-looking; attractive. A toothsome blonde in a tight dress. |

Usage Examples of "Tempting" as an adjective
- A tempting invitation.
- It is often tempting to bring about change rapidly.
- A tempting repast.
- A tempting financial offer.

Associations of "Tempting" (30 Words)
aesthetically | With regard to beauty. The buildings and gardens of the factory have been aesthetically designed and laid out. |
allure | Dispose or incline or entice to. People for whom gold holds no allure. |
alluring | Highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire. An alluring prospect. |
appealing | Showing or expressing a desire for help or sympathy. An appealing sense of humor. |
attract | Be attractive to. His criticism of the government attracted widespread support. |
attraction | A quality or feature that evokes interest, liking, or desire. The church is the town s main tourist attraction. |
attractive | Having the properties of a magnet; the ability to draw or pull. An attractive village. |
captivate | Attract; cause to be enamored. He was captivated by her beauty. |
catchy | (of a tune or phrase) instantly appealing and memorable. A catchy question. |
charm | Induce into action by using one s charm. A gesticulating figure endeavouring to charm a cobra. |
charming | Very pleasant or attractive. A charming personality. |
chic | Elegant and stylish. The hotel s lobby and restaurant are the height of designer chic. |
coquettish | Like a coquette. A coquettish grin. |
delusive | Inappropriate to reality or facts. A delusive perception of opportunity for all. |
desirable | A desirable person or thing. You re a very desirable woman. |
engaging | Attracting or delighting. An engaging frankness. |
entice | Provoke someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises or persuasion. The treat is offered to entice the dog to eat. |
enticing | Attractive or tempting; alluring. Difficult to say no to an enticing advertisement. |
entrance | The right, means, or opportunity to enter somewhere or be a member of an institution, society, or other body. The southern entrance of the palace. |
fascinate | Cause to be interested or curious. The snake charmer fascinates the cobra. |
glamorize | Interpret romantically. This new wallpaper really glamorizes the living room. |
glamorous | (of a person) having a beauty or charm that is sexually attractive. Being a singer must be such a glamorous lifestyle. |
ingratiating | Intended to gain approval or favour; sycophantic. With open arms and an ingratiating smile. |
inviting | Offering the promise of an attractive or enjoyable experience. An inviting offer. |
lure | Something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed. The film industry always has been a glamorous lure for young girls. |
personable | (of a person) having a pleasant appearance and manner. She is quite a personable young woman. |
seductive | Tempting and attractive; enticing. A seductive voice. |
tempt | Dispose or incline or entice to. He lured me into temptation. |
winsome | Attractive or appealing in a fresh, innocent way. A winsome smile. |