Need another word that means the same as “terrifying”? Find 1 synonym and 30 related words for “terrifying” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Terrifying” are: terrific
Terrifying as an Adjective
Definitions of "Terrifying" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “terrifying” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Causing extreme fear.
- Causing extreme terror.

Synonyms of "Terrifying" as an adjective (1 Word)
terrific | Causing extreme terror. There was a terrific bang. |

Usage Examples of "Terrifying" as an adjective
- A terrifying wail.
- The terrifying events of the past few weeks.

Associations of "Terrifying" (30 Words)
afraid | Feeling fear or anxiety; frightened. I am afraid we have witnessed only the first phase of the conflict. |
alarming | Frightening because of an awareness of danger. Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate. |
appall | Strike with disgust or revulsion. |
chilling | Provoking fear terror. A chilling account of the prisoners fate. |
claustrophobia | Extreme or irrational fear of confined places. The small stuffy room had begun to give him claustrophobia. |
dread | Causing fear or dread or terror. The band appeals to dreads and baldheads alike. |
dreadful | Exceptionally bad or displeasing. There s been a dreadful accident. |
fear | Be sorry; used to introduce an unpleasant statement. I fear she might get aggressive. |
fearful | Causing or likely to cause people to be afraid; horrifying. Fearful slum conditions. |
fearfulness | The trait of being afraid. |
fearsome | Causing fear or dread or terror. The cat mewed displaying a fearsome set of teeth. |
formidable | Extremely impressive in strength or excellence. The formidable prospect of major surgery. |
fright | Frighten. Ghosts could never affright her. |
frighten | Drive out by frightening. At his age I guess he doesn t frighten any more. |
frightening | The act of inspiring with fear. A frightening experience. |
frightful | Provoking horror- Winston Churchill. A frightful mistake. |
hideous | Extremely ugly. The whole hideous story. |
horrific | Causing fear or dread or terror. Horrific injuries. |
horror | Something that inspires horror something horrible. Many have a horror of consulting a dictionary. |
macabre | Shockingly repellent; inspiring horror. A macabre series of murders. |
panic | Cause sudden fear in or fill with sudden panic. The crowd panicked and stampeded for the exit. |
petrify | Change into stone. Slogans petrify our thinking. |
scare | Become scared. Recent food scares have made the public rightly sensitive to new apparently untested technologies. |
scared | Fearful; frightened. I was scared that people were going to take pictures of me. |
scary | Uncannily striking or surprising. A scary movie. |
spooky | Sinister or ghostly in a way that causes fear and unease. Some horses are more spooky by nature than others. |
terrible | Extremely unpleasant or disagreeable. The weather was terrible. |
terrify | Cause to feel extreme fear. She was terrified he would drop her. |
terror | Terrorism. Weapons of terror. |
worry | Be concerned with. I began to worry whether I had done the right thing. |