TIER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TIER?

Need another word that means the same as “tier”? Find 12 synonyms and 30 related words for “tier” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Tier” are: tier up, grade, level, row, rank, bank, line, gradation, step, echelon, point on the scale, rung on the ladder

Tier as a Noun

Definitions of "Tier" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “tier” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • Each of a number of successively overlapping ruffles or flounces on a garment.
  • Any one of two or more competitors who tie one another.
  • A level or grade within the hierarchy of an organization or system.
  • (in Tasmania and South Australia) a forested mountain range, especially one of a series.
  • One of two or more layers one atop another.
  • Each in a series of rows or levels of a structure placed one above the other.
  • A relative position or degree of value in a graded group.
  • Something that is used for tying.
  • A worker who ties something.

Synonyms of "Tier" as a noun (12 Words)

bankA building in which the business of banking transacted.
They pulled the canoe up on the bank.
echelonA body of troops arranged in a line.
The rear echelon.
gradationRelative position in a graded series.
Amorphous shapes in subtle gradations of green and blue.
gradeA relative position or degree of value in a graded group.
Sea salt is usually available in coarse or fine grades.
levelAn instrument for giving a horizontal line of sight.
At six he could play chess at an advanced level.
lineA contour or outline considered as a feature of design or composition.
The stresses unique to their line of work.
point on the scaleThe object of an activity.
rankA position within the hierarchy of an organization or society.
Only two cabinet members had held ministerial rank before.
rowThe act of rowing as a sport.
A mackerel sky filled with rows of clouds.
rung on the ladderA crosspiece between the legs of a chair.
stepThe sound of a step of someone walking.
He stepped off ten paces from the old tree and began to dig.
tier upOne of two or more layers one atop another.

Usage Examples of "Tier" as a noun

  • A tier of seats.
  • The room was full of three-tier metal bunks.
  • Tier upon tier of huge casks.
  • Open plains bordered by far extending precipitous mountain tiers.
  • Companies have taken out a tier of management to save money.
  • A three-tier wedding cake.
  • The sail is fastened to the yard with tiers.
  • A full skirt gathered into three tiers.

Associations of "Tier" (30 Words)

balanceA weight that balances another weight.
She has to balance work and her domestic duties.
breadthWide range or extent.
The minister is not noted for his breadth of vision.
classArrange or order by classes or categories.
The class system.
courseA sail on the lowest yards of a square-rigged ship.
Once a nation is embarked on a course of action it becomes extremely difficult for any retraction to take place.
echelonArrange in an echelon formation.
The rear echelon.
epidermisThe outer layer of the skin covering the exterior body surface of vertebrates.
evenMake or become even.
The road was not very even.
extentThe size or scale of something.
An enclosure ten acres in extent.
gradeDetermine the grade of or assign a grade to.
Grade A milk.
gradingEvaluation of performance by assigning a grade or score.
What he disliked about teaching was all the grading he had to do.
impermeableNot allowing fluid to pass through.
A coat impermeable to rain.
juridicalRelating to judicial proceedings and the administration of the law.
Clear words are a matter of practical rather than juridical significance.
levelBecome level or even.
The front garden is on a level with this floor.
middlebrowA middlebrow person.
Middlebrow fiction.
midwayIn or towards the middle of something.
A midway path is chosen between the diverging aspirations of the two factions.
notchCut or make a notch into.
Her opinion of Nicole dropped a few notches.
octaneA colourless flammable hydrocarbon of the alkane series, present in petroleum spirit.
pentavalentHaving a valence of five.
phaseA structure containing two verbs in a phase.
He phased the intake with the output of the machine.
qualificationThe qualification stage of a sporting event.
They need to beat Poland to ensure qualification for the World Cup finals.
rangePlace or arrange in a row or rows or in a specified manner.
The army maintains a missile range in the desert.
rankHave a specified rank or place within a grading system.
She is ranked number four in the world.
scaleMeasure by or as if by a scale.
This bike scales only 25 pounds.
spectrumThe entire range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.
The left or the right of the political spectrum.
statusRelative social or professional position; standing.
The duchy had been elevated to the status of a principality.
stepThe distance covered by a step.
He heard footsteps on the porch.
straddleFire at (a target) with shots or bombs so that they fall short of and beyond it.
The plants straddle the entire state.
stratified(of seeds) placed close together in layers in moist sand or peat to preserve them or to help them germinate.
A stratified society in which political power and influence still lay in the hands of the landed class.
stratifyOf seeds be germinated by stratifying.
The residues have begun to stratify.
stratumA subpopulation divided into a stratified sampling.
A stratum of flint.

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