TIERED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TIERED?

Need another word that means the same as “tiered”? Find 30 related words for “tiered” in this overview.

Associations of "Tiered" (30 Words)

balanceA weight that balances another weight.
A surplus on the capital account to make the account balance.
breadthThe capacity to understand a broad range of topics.
The bank reaches a maximum breadth of about 100 km.
classArrange or order by classes or categories.
People who are socially disenfranchised by class.
coursePart of a meal served at one time.
The government took a firm course.
echelonArrange in an echelon formation.
The Task Force would take the left echeloned to be able to sweep in from the west.
epidermisThe outer layer of the skin covering the exterior body surface of vertebrates.
evenBeing level or straight or regular and without variation as e g in shape or texture or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else i e even with.
What is this whole thing even about.
extentThe point or degree to which something extends.
An enclosure ten acres in extent.
gradeArrange in or allocate to grades classify or sort.
A moderate grade of intelligence.
gradingChanging the ground level to a smooth horizontal or gently sloping surface.
What he disliked about teaching was all the grading he had to do.
impermeablePreventing especially liquids to pass or diffuse through.
Impermeable stone.
juridicalRelating to judicial proceedings and the administration of the law.
Juridical days.
levelBecome level or even.
Level criticism or charges at somebody.
middlebrowA middlebrow person.
Middlebrow fiction.
midwayHaving some of the characteristics of one thing and some of another.
He sensationally led the tournament at the midway point.
notchSecure or insert by means of notches.
Notch the rope.
octaneAny isomeric saturated hydrocarbon found in petroleum and used as a fuel and solvent.
pentavalentHaving a valence of five.
phaseEach of the electrical windings or connections of a polyphase machine or circuit.
About 70 of the reflections were phased by this method.
qualificationThe qualification stage of a sporting event.
The five year residency qualification for presidential candidates.
rangeObtain the range of a target by adjustment after firing past it or short of it or by the use of radar or laser equipment.
Range the animals in the prairie.
rankTake precedence or surpass others in rank.
An army officer of high rank.
scaleRemove the scales from.
The skin may scale and peel away with itching stinging or burning sensations in the infected area.
spectrumThe components of a sound or other phenomenon arranged according to such characteristics as frequency, charge, and energy.
Self help books are covering a broader and broader spectrum.
statusA posting on a social networking website that indicates a user’s current situation, state of mind, or opinion about something.
When I updated my status on Facebook yesterday I said I was seeking a sense of purpose.
stepThe sound of a step of someone walking.
The steps are in the outhouse.
straddleThe option to buy or sell a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date; consists of an equal number of put and call options.
A sideways on stance such as a straddle.
stratified(of seeds) placed close together in layers in moist sand or peat to preserve them or to help them germinate.
Stratified rock.
stratifyOf seeds be germinated by stratifying.
Stratifying patients into well defined risk groups.
stratumPeople having the same social, economic, or educational status.
A stratum of flint.

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