TIME FRAME: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TIME FRAME?

Need another word that means the same as “time frame”? Find 30 related words for “time frame” in this overview.

Associations of "Time frame" (30 Words)

afternoonIn the afternoon every afternoon.
I ll be back at three in the afternoon.
almanacAn annual publication containing tabular information in a particular field or fields arranged according to the calendar of a given year.
annuallyWithout missing a year.
They travel to China annually.
aprilThe month following March and preceding May.
biannualOccurring twice a year.
The biannual meeting of the planning committee.
calendarEnter something in a calendar or timetable.
I have you on my calendar for next Monday.
centenaryThe 100th anniversary (or the celebration of it.
The centenary year of the artist s birth.
concomitantAn event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another.
He sought promotion without the necessary concomitant of hard work.
dailyEvery day.
The museum is open daily.
dayThe part of a day when it is light the time between sunrise and sunset.
We ll leave the day after tomorrow.
ensuingOccurring afterwards or as a result.
She lost track of one of her children during the ensuing chaos.
hourThe distance travelled in one hour.
Rates of pay were low starting at 3 20 an hour.
lateLater than usual or than expected.
Later medical science could have saved the child.
monthlyA magazine that is published once a month.
An Anglo American monthly whose appeal was always international.
o'clockAccording to the clock.
oftMany times at short intervals.
An oft quoted tenet.
periodA set of elements occupying a horizontal row in the periodic table.
He interviewed the teachers when they had a free period.
periodicRelating to the periodic table of the elements.
The periodic visits she made to her father.
periodicallyFrom time to time; occasionally.
The students received help from a friend only periodically.
periodicityThe quality or character of being periodic; the tendency to recur at intervals.
The periodicity of the sunspot cycle.
recentThe Holocene epoch.
A recent addition to the house.
regularA soldier in the regular army.
Regular bus departures.
regularlyWith a constant or definite pattern, especially with the same space between individual items.
A regularly updated news page.
semiannualOccurring or payable twice each year.
shortlyAbruptly, sharply, or curtly.
To put it shortly.
thereafterAfter that time.
It was agreed that the meeting be held annually thereafter.
timingThe choice, judgement, or control of when something should be done.
One of the secrets of cricket is good timing.
tomorrowThe day after today.
Tomorrow s Grand Prix in Brazil.
weeklyA newspaper or periodical issued every week.
There was a weekly dance on Wednesdays.
yearA year regarded in terms of the quality of something produced.
She was in my year at Hoehandle High.

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