Need another word that means the same as “tint”? Find 21 synonyms and 30 related words for “tint” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Tint” are: shade, tincture, tone, hair coloring, hair dye, hint, suggestion, trace, colour, hue, tinge, cast, flush, blush, dye, colourant, colouring, wash, tinct, touch
Tint as a Noun
Definitions of "Tint" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “tint” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A trace of something.
- An artificial dye for colouring the hair.
- A shade or variety of a colour.
- A dye for coloring the hair.
- A just detectable amount.
- A set of parallel engraved lines to give uniform shading.
- A quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color.
- An area of faint even colour printed as a half-tone, used for highlighting overprinted text.
- An application of hair dye.

Synonyms of "Tint" as a noun (18 Words)
blush | A pink or pale red tinge. He had brought a faint blush to her cheeks. |
cast | A mould used to make an object by casting. He gave one thousand pounds for a cast of hawks. |
colour | The use of all colours not only black and white in photography or television. All colours and nationalities. |
colourant | A dye, pigment, or other substance that colours something. A range of natural hair colourants. |
colouring | A race with skin pigmentation different from the white race (especially Blacks. The salon concentrates purely on colouring. |
dye | A natural or synthetic substance used to add a colour to or change the colour of something. Blonde hair dye. |
flush | Denoting a type of toilet that has a flushing device. He heard the flush of a toilet. |
hair coloring | A covering for the body (or parts of it) consisting of a dense growth of threadlike structures (as on the human head); helps to prevent heat loss. |
hair dye | Any of the cylindrical filaments characteristically growing from the epidermis of a mammal. |
hint | An indication of potential opportunity. Randall smiled with a hint of mockery. |
hue | A colour or shade. Men of all political hues submerged their feuds. |
shade | An eyeshade. It is much cooler in the shade. |
suggestion | An idea or belief accepted by a person as a result of suggestion. There was a suggestion of a smile on his lips. |
tincture | A substance that colors or dyes. A tincture of condescension. |
tinge | A trace of a colour. There was a faint pink tinge to the sky. |
tone | A steady sound without overtones. The muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet. |
trace | A physical change in the brain presumed to be caused by a process of learning or memory. Just a trace of a smile. |
wash | An act of washing something or an instance of being washed. She hung out her Tuesday wash. |

Usage Examples of "Tint" as a noun
- A tint of glamour.
- Peering into the mirror to see if any white hair showed after her last tint.
- The sky was taking on an apricot tint.

Tint as a Verb
Definitions of "Tint" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “tint” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Color lightly.
- Colour (something) slightly; tinge.
- Dye (someone's hair) with a tint.

Synonyms of "Tint" as a verb (3 Words)
tinct | Color lightly. |
tinge | Permeate or imbue slightly with a feeling or quality. The leaves were tinged red in November. |
touch | Used to indicate that something is avoided or rejected. The voice was touched by hysteria. |

Usage Examples of "Tint" as a verb
- They spent hours having their hair tinted and set.
- Her skin was tinted with delicate colour.

Associations of "Tint" (30 Words)
blur | Make unclear indistinct or blurred. The pale blur of her face. |
brown | Make brown in color. I interviewed 60 mostly black and brown leaders around our nation. |
color | Any material used for its color. His political ideas color his lectures. |
colored | Having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination. Amber colored heads of grain. |
complexion | Texture and appearance of the skin of the face. The setting sun complexioned the hills. |
discolor | Change color, often in an undesired manner. The painting discolored. |
dye | Take colour well or badly during the dyeing process. Please dye these shoes. |
faint | (of a hope or chance) possible but unlikely; slight. She sent him a faint answering smile. |
hue | Character or aspect. Men of all political hues submerged their feuds. |
iris | Of an aperture typically that of a lens open or close in the manner of an iris or iris diaphragm. |
motley | Make motley color with different colors. A jester dressed in motley. |
mottled | Marked with spots or smears of colour. A bird with mottled brown plumage. |
painted | Having makeup applied. Freshly painted lawn furniture. |
pale | Turn pale as if in fear. The new cheese is a pale imitation of continental cheeses. |
piebald | A piebald horse. A piebald horse. |
pied | Having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly. The pied flycatcher. |
pigment | A substance used as a coating to protect or decorate a surface especially a mixture of pigment suspended in a liquid dries to form a hard coating. The therapy masks the appearance of stretch marks by pigmenting skin. |
pigmentation | The deposition of pigment in animals or plants or human beings. |
polychrome | Color with many colors make polychrome. Modigliani continued to carve his large heads sometimes in polychrome until 1916. |
purple | Color purple. The painting was mostly in shades of blue and purple. |
red | Of hair or fur of a reddish brown or orange brown colour. With puffy reddened eyes. |
smear | Stain by smearing or daubing with a dirty substance. There was an oil smear on his jacket. |
smudge | Make a smudge on soil by smudging. A smudge of blood on the floor. |
speck | Produce specks in or on. The figure in the distance had become a mere speck. |
spot | Make a spot or mark onto. The runner up spot. |
stain | Be marked or be liable to be marked with a stain. He regarded his time in gaol as a stain on his character. |
stained | (of a material or object) coloured by application of a penetrative dye or chemical. Stained timber floorboards. |
tinge | Color lightly. The sadness tinged his life. |
touch | An act of touching someone or something. There s no one who can touch him at lightweight judo. |
variegate | Change the appearance of, especially by marking with different colors. The musicians variegate the pitch. |