TOME: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TOME?

Need another word that means the same as “tome”? Find 7 synonyms and 30 related words for “tome” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Tome” are: volume, book, work, opus, writing, publication, title

Tome as a Noun

Definitions of "Tome" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “tome” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A book, especially a large, heavy, scholarly one.
  • A (usually) large and scholarly book.

Synonyms of "Tome" as a noun (7 Words)

bookA literary composition that is published or intended for publication as a book.
I am reading a good book on economics.
opusA musical work that has been created.
He was writing an opus on Mexico.
publicationThe action of making something generally known.
Scientific publications.
titleAn established or recognized right.
He looked for books with the word jazz in the title.
volumeA single book or a bound collection of printed sheets.
A botanical library of 5 000 volumes.
workA place where work is done.
A lot of people are out of work.
writingThe activity or skill of writing.
The idea occurs with increasing frequency in Hemingway s writings.

Usage Examples of "Tome" as a noun

  • A weighty tome.

Associations of "Tome" (30 Words)

adaptationThe action or process of adapting or being adapted.
Living in groups is an adaptation to increase the efficiency of hunting.
allegoryA symbol.
Pilgrim s Progress is an allegory of the spiritual journey.
anecdotalCharacterized by or given to telling anecdotes.
Nineteenth century French anecdotal paintings.
bigOn an ambitiously large scale.
A big tennis fan.
bulky(of a person) heavily built.
A bulky overcoat clad figure.
cumbersomeSlow or complicated and therefore inefficient.
His cumbersome writing style.
descriptionA type or class of people or things.
It is laughably easy to buy drugs of all descriptions.
editorialRelating to the commissioning or preparing of material for publication.
The editorial team.
elephantineOf great mass; huge and bulky.
There was an elephantine thud from the bathroom.
entourageA group of people attending or surrounding an important person.
An entourage of loyal courtiers.
giantUsed in names of very large animals and plants e g giant hogweed giant tortoise.
Giant multinational corporations.
hefty(of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful.
A hefty dictionary.
hulkingOf great size and bulk.
A hulking young man.
illustriousHaving or conferring glory.
An illustrious career.
immenseExtremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.
At vast or immense expense.
largeA garment size for a large person.
We can afford to take a larger view of the situation.
mammothSo exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or mammoth.
A mammoth ship.
massiveA group of young people from a particular area with a common interest in dance music.
Moore s massive sculptures.
narration(rhetoric) the second section of an oration in which the facts are set forth.
The style of narration in the novel.
oversizedLarger than normal for its kind.
An oversized T shirt.
overwhelmingVery intense.
His party won overwhelming support.
pageA page of a newspaper or magazine set aside for a particular topic.
A text file reader enables you to page through the authors text file using indexes.
reportedlyAccording to what some say (used to express the speaker’s belief that the information given is not necessarily true.
He was in El Salvador reportedly on his way to Texas.
sizableLarge in amount or extent or degree.
A sizable fortune.
swatheA row or line of grass, corn, or other crop as it falls or lies when mown or reaped.
The combine had cut a deep swathe around the border of the fields.
titanicOf great force or power.
A series of titanic explosions.
tremendousVery great in amount, scale, or intensity.
There was a tremendous explosion.
unwieldyDifficult to use or handle or manage because of size or weight or shape.
Huge unwieldy arc lamps.
vastAn immense space.
The vast reaches of outer space.
voluminousLarge in volume or bulk.
A voluminous purple cloak.

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