TRANSFORMING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TRANSFORMING?

Need another word that means the same as “transforming”? Find 30 related words for “transforming” in this overview.

Associations of "Transforming" (30 Words)

alterMake an alteration to.
Plans to alter the dining hall.
changeChange from one vehicle or transportation line to another.
I changed her on top of the table until she got too big.
conversionA successful free throw or try for point after a touchdown.
They were carrying out a loft conversion.
convertA person who has been converted to another religious or political belief.
Could you convert my dollars into pounds.
disabusePersuade (someone) that an idea or belief is mistaken.
He quickly disabused me of my fanciful notions.
diversificationThe process of a business enlarging or varying its range of products or field of operation.
Studies have examined the diversification of plant species in Asia.
diversionAn activity that diverts the mind from tedious or serious concerns; a recreation or pastime.
People in search of diversion.
fluctuationThe quality of being unsteady and subject to changes.
The fluctuations of the sea.
fluxTreat a metal object with a flux to promote melting.
The flux of ions across the membrane.
interchangeable(of two things) able to be interchanged.
Eyepieces are interchangeable and one can use any eyepiece with any telescope.
metamorphoseChange or cause to change completely in form or nature.
Feed the larvae to your fish before they metamorphose into adults.
modifyMake less severe or harsh or extreme.
She may be prepared to modify her views.
proselyteA Gentile who has converted to Judaism.
recastGive (a metal object) a different form by melting it down and reshaping it.
In 1919 the bells were recast.
reconstructBuild or form (something) again after it has been damaged or destroyed.
Reconstruct the events of 20 years ago.
remodelShape (a figure or object) again or differently.
We are remodeling these rooms.
remoldShape again or shape differently.
reshapeShape again or shape differently.
The new foreign minister reshaped the foreign policy of his country.
rippleA thing resembling a ripple or ripples in appearance or movement.
A family block of raspberry ripple.
transfigureElevate or idealize, in allusion to Christ’s transfiguration.
The world is made luminous and is transfigured.
transformationThe act of changing in form or shape or appearance.
British society underwent a radical transformation.
transitionMake or undergo a transition from one state or system to another.
He transitioned into filmmaking easily.
transmogrifyTransform in a surprising or magical manner.
His home was transmogrified into a hippy crash pad.
transmuteSubject (base metals) to alchemical transmutation.
The discovery that elements can transmute by radioactivity.
variabilityThe quality of being subject to variation.
Seasonal variability in water levels.
varianceAn event that departs from expectations.
The stylistic variances of classical dance.
variantDiffering from a norm or standard.
A variant of the same word.
variationA change or slight difference in condition, amount, or level, typically within certain limits.
Regional variations in house prices.
varyMake something more diverse and varied.
His moods vary depending on the weather.
waveletA small wave on the surface of a liquid.

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