Need another word that means the same as “transmit”? Find 33 synonyms and 30 related words for “transmit” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Transmit” are: carry, channel, conduct, convey, impart, air, beam, broadcast, send, channelise, channelize, transfer, transport, communicate, pass on, hand on, bear, relay, dispatch, mediate, send out, put on air, put on the air, televise, radio, telecast, videocast, podcast, show, publish, emit, wire, pipe
Transmit as a Verb
Definitions of "Transmit" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “transmit” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Cause (something) to pass on from one person or place to another.
- Allow (heat, light, sound, electricity, or other energy) to pass through a medium.
- Send from one person or place to another.
- Transmit or serve as the medium for transmission.
- Broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television.
- Communicate or be a medium for (an idea or emotion.
- Transfer to another.
- Broadcast or send out (an electrical signal or a radio or television programme.

Synonyms of "Transmit" as a verb (33 Words)
air | Expose a room to the open air in order to ventilate it. We cannot air this X rated song. |
beam | Express with a beaming face or smile. The sun s rays beamed down. |
bear | Bring forth. Steamboats bear the traveller out of Kerrerra Sound. |
broadcast | Broadcast over the airwaves as in radio or television. The second method is to broadcast the seeds together with not more than 1 kg to the acre of rapeseed. |
carry | Win in an election. This boat can only carry a small sail. |
channel | Direct towards a particular end or object. Meg Ryan plays Avery as if she s channelling Nicole Kidman. |
channelise | Cause to form a channel. |
channelize | Make a channel for; provide with a channel. Channelize the country for better transportation. |
communicate | Transmit (heat or motion. The dining room communicates with the kitchen. |
conduct | Transmit a form of energy such as heat or electricity by conduction. He conducted himself with the utmost propriety. |
convey | Serve as a means for expressing something. Mr Harvey and his daughter have asked me to convey their very kind regards. |
dispatch | Kill intentionally and with premeditation. The government dispatched 150 police to restore order. |
emit | Produce and discharge (something, especially gas or radiation. She emitted a sound like laughter. |
hand on | Guide or conduct or usher somewhere. |
impart | Transmit (knowledge or skills. The teachers imparted a great deal of knowledge to their pupils. |
mediate | Occupy an intermediate or middle position or form a connecting link or stage between two others. He mediated a settlement. |
pass on | Pass into a specified state or condition. |
pipe | Transport by pipeline. Pipe oil water and gas into the desert. |
podcast | Make a digital audio file available as a podcast. |
publish | Prepare and issue for public distribution or sale. The photo has not been published on her Instagram account. |
put on air | Cause (someone) to undergo something. |
put on the air | Formulate in a particular style or language. |
radio | Communicate or send a message by radio. We radioed for help. |
relay | Control or operate by relay. Please relay the news to the villagers. |
send | Send a message or letter. Send me your latest results. |
send out | Transport commercially. |
show | Show in or as in a picture. The whole nation is waiting for him to show leadership. |
telecast | Broadcast via television. The programme will be telecast simultaneously to nearly 150 cities. |
televise | Broadcast via television. The network chose not to televise the opening ceremony. |
transfer | Transfer from one place or period to another. Transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket. |
transport | Transport commercially. The book transported her to new worlds. |
videocast | Make available as a videocast. The ceremonies were videocast live on the internet. |
wire | Snare an animal with wire. A microphone wired to a loudspeaker. |

Usage Examples of "Transmit" as a verb
- The theatrical gift of being able to transmit emotion.
- Sexually transmitted diseases.
- The three bones transmit sound waves to the inner ear.
- The programme was transmitted on 7 October.
- Transmit a message.
- Knowledge is transmitted from teacher to pupil.

Associations of "Transmit" (30 Words)
broadcast | Broadcast over the airwaves as in radio or television. The Queen s annual Christmas TV broadcast. |
bulletin | Make public by bulletin. |
carry | The act of carrying something. He could not carry the cabinet. |
communicate | Impart or pass on (information, news, or ideas. He and his sons haven t communicated for years. |
communication | Social contact. Television is an effective means of communication. |
consignee | The person to whom merchandise is delivered over. |
convey | Transmit or serve as the medium for transmission. It s impossible to convey how lost I felt. |
conveyance | Document effecting a property transfer. Adventurers attempt the trail using all manner of conveyances including mountain bikes and motorcycles. |
correspondence | Letters, emails, etc. sent or received. The results of two tests were in correspondence. |
delivery | (baseball) the act of throwing a baseball by a pitcher to a batter. Her delivery was stilted. |
dispatch | Send away towards a designated goal. The government dispatched 150 police to restore order. |
Send a message by email. Reading email has become the first task of the morning. | |
ferry | Convey in a ferry or other ship or boat especially across a short stretch of water. Ambulances ferried the injured to hospital. |
ferryboat | A boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule. |
fetch | The action of fetching. The dog fetched the hat. |
interact | Communicate or be involved directly. The user interacts directly with the library. |
A single delivery or collection of mail. I did not receive any mail. | |
mailing | Mail sent by a sender at one time. The postmark indicates the time of mailing. |
message | Send a message to someone especially by email text app or other electronic means. She messaged the final report by fax. |
messenger | Send a document or package by messenger. Could you have it messengered over to me. |
post | Assign to a post put into a post. If you hurry you ll catch the post. |
receiver | A person who gets or accepts something that has been sent or given to them. The receiver of a gift. |
recipient | A person or thing that receives or is awarded something. The recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. |
relay | A signal or broadcast transmitted by a relay. A relay of a performance live from the concert hall. |
send | Send a message or letter. It s the spectacle and music that send us not the words. |
sender | Set used to broadcast radio or tv signals. Return to sender. |
spam | A tinned meat product made mainly from ham. An autogenerated spam website. |
transfer | Transferring ownership. A transfer of wealth to the EU s poorer nations. |
transport | A convict who was transported to a penal colony. Many possess their own forms of transport. |
transportation | The United States federal department that institutes and coordinates national transportation programs created in 1966. The sentence was one of transportation for life. |