TRILL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TRILL?

Need another word that means the same as “trill”? Find 34 synonyms for “trill” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Trill” are: shake, trilling, song, birdsong, cry, warbling, chirp, chirping, chirrup, chirr, cheep, twitter, twittering, tweet, whistle, whistling, chatter, chattering, squeak, pipe, piping, peep, peeping, call, calling, quaver, warble, sing

Trill as a Noun

Definitions of "Trill" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “trill” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • The pronunciation of a consonant, especially r, with rapid vibration of the tongue against the hard or soft palate or the uvula.
  • A quavering or vibratory sound, especially a rapid alternation of sung or played notes.
  • The articulation of a consonant (especially the consonant `r') with a rapid flutter of the tongue against the palate or uvula.
  • A note that alternates rapidly with another note a semitone above it.

Synonyms of "Trill" as a noun (25 Words)

birdsongThe characteristic sound produced by a bird.
callA direction in a square dance given by the caller.
The pastor s calls on his parishioners.
callingThe action or sound of calling.
The calling of a cuckoo.
chatterThe rapid series of noises made by the parts of a machine.
The starlings constant chatter.
chatteringThe high-pitched continuing noise made by animals (birds or monkeys.
cheepA short, high sound resembling the cry of a young bird.
An electronic cheep from the alarm.
chirpA sharp sound made by small birds or insects.
The chirps and whirrs of insects.
chirpingA sharp sound made by small birds or insects.
chirrA low trilling sound.
The chirr of summer crickets.
chirrupA short, high-pitched sound.
The chirrups of the crickets.
cryA demand or opinion expressed by many people.
He kept a cry of hounds to hunt in the wilderness.
peepA momentary or partial view of something.
Jonathan took a little peep at his watch.
peepingA secret look.
pipeThe flues and stops on a pipe organ.
They were sharing a pipe of tobacco.
pipingThe action or art of playing a pipe or pipes.
shakeA milkshake.
I wouldn t go in there it gives me the shakes.
songA musical composition suggestive of a song.
He bought it for a song.
squeakA single remark or communication.
I didn t hear a squeak from him for months.
trillingUnited States literary critic (1905-1975.
tweetA post made on the social media application Twitter.
The gentle tweet of a bird can be heard.
twitterA series of chirps.
His words were cut off by a faint electronic twitter.
twitteringA series of chirps.
warblingA lumpy abscess under the hide of domestic mammals caused by larvae of a botfly or warble fly.
whistleThe act of signalling e g summoning by whistling or blowing a whistle.
The whistle of the boiling kettle.
whistlingThe act of whistling a tune.
His cheerful whistling indicated that he enjoyed his work.

Usage Examples of "Trill" as a noun

  • The caged bird launched into a piercing trill.
  • He pronounced his R's with a distinct trill.

Trill as a Verb

Definitions of "Trill" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “trill” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Pronounce with a trill, of the phoneme `r.
  • Produce a quavering or warbling sound.
  • Sing or play with trills, alternating with the half note above or below.
  • Pronounce (a consonant) by rapid vibration of the tongue against the hard or soft palate or the uvula.

Synonyms of "Trill" as a verb (9 Words)

cheepMake high-pitched sounds.
Sparrows are cheeping all around.
chirp(of a person) say something in a lively and cheerful way.
The birds were chirping in the bushes.
chirrup(of a small bird) make repeated short, high-pitched sounds.
A bird chirruped intermittently outside.
peepSpeak in a hesitant and high-pitched tone of voice.
He peeped at the woman through the window.
quaverGive off unsteady sounds, alternating in amplitude or frequency.
His voice quavered with rage.
singDeliver by singing.
My brother sings very well.
tweetCommunicate with (someone) on Twitter.
She tweeted a picture of them smiling at the camera.
twitterTalk rapidly and at length in a trivial way.
What a great crowd Perry twittered.
warbleSing or play with trills, alternating with the half note above or below.
He warbled in an implausible soprano.

Usage Examples of "Trill" as a verb

  • Some speakers trill their r's.
  • Trilling a love ballad, she led him to her chair.
  • ‘Coming sir,’ they both trilled.
  • A skylark was trilling overhead.

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