TYPECAST: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TYPECAST?

Need another word that means the same as “typecast”? Find 8 synonyms for “typecast” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Typecast” are: type, pigeonhole, conventionalize, standardize, categorize, compartmentalize, label, tag

Typecast as a Verb

Definitions of "Typecast" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “typecast” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Identify as belonging to a certain type.
  • Represent or regard (a person or their role) as fitting a particular stereotype.
  • Cast repeatedly in the same kind of role.
  • Assign (an actor or actress) repeatedly to the same type of role, as a result of the appropriateness of their appearance or previous success in such roles.

Synonyms of "Typecast" as a verb (8 Words)

categorizePlace into or assign to a category.
Children learn early on to categorize.
compartmentalizeSeparate into isolated compartments or categories.
You cannot compartmentalize your life like this.
conventionalizeRepresent according to a conventional style.
Highly conventionalized ways of distinguishing between good and evil.
labelDistinguish as a compound or molecule by introducing a labeled atom.
Many pupils felt that they were labelled as failures.
pigeonholePut a document in a pigeonhole.
She pigeonholed her worry about him.
standardizeDetermine the properties of (something) by comparison with a standard.
We could standardize on US equipment.
tagAttach a monitoring tag to.
We have to tag the sheep before sale or when moving them from one farm to another.
typeWrite something on a typewriter or computer by pressing the keys.
Type the acceptance letter please.

Usage Examples of "Typecast" as a verb

  • People are not as likely to be typecast by their accents as they once were.
  • He tends to be typecast as the caring, intelligent male.

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