UNCHARACTERISTIC: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for UNCHARACTERISTIC?

Need another word that means the same as “uncharacteristic”? Find 17 synonyms for “uncharacteristic” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Uncharacteristic” are: unusual, uncommon, unconventional, novel, different, exotic, alternative, unorthodox, odd, peculiar, curious, atypical, unwonted, abnormal, anomalous, aberrant, out of the ordinary

Uncharacteristic as an Adjective

Definitions of "Uncharacteristic" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “uncharacteristic” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Not typical of a particular person or thing.
  • Distinctive and not typical.

Synonyms of "Uncharacteristic" as an adjective (17 Words)

aberrantMarkedly different from an accepted norm.
Aberrant chromosomes.
abnormalMuch greater than the normal.
An abnormal interest in food.
alternativePertaining to unconventional choices.
An alternative lifestyle.
anomalousDeviating from the general or common order or type.
Advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe.
atypicalDeviating from normal expectations; somewhat odd, strange, or abnormal.
Atypical pneumonia.
curiousHaving curiosity aroused; eagerly interested in learning more.
Curious investigators.
differentDiffering from all others; not ordinary.
On two different occasions.
exoticBeing or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world.
There was a touch of the exotic in her appearance.
novelOriginal and of a kind not seen before.
The computer produced a completely novel proof of a well known theorem.
oddBeyond or deviating from the usual or expected.
She looked younger than her fifty odd years.
out of the ordinaryExcluded from use or mention.
peculiarBelonging exclusively to.
Rights peculiar to the rich.
uncommonMarked by an uncommon quality especially superlative or extreme of its kind.
An uncommon name.
unconventionalNot conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention.
Unconventional life styles.
unorthodoxBreaking with convention or tradition.
He frequently upset other scholars with his unorthodox views.
unusualNot commonly encountered.
A man of unusual talent.
unwontedUnaccustomed or unusual.
There was an unwonted gaiety in her manner.

Usage Examples of "Uncharacteristic" as an adjective

  • An uncharacteristic display of temper.
  • A book uncharacteristic of its author.

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