Need another word that means the same as “undiscovered”? Find 6 synonyms and 30 related words for “undiscovered” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Undiscovered” are: unexplored, dormant, quiescent, inactive, untapped, unused
Undiscovered as an Adjective
Definitions of "Undiscovered" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “undiscovered” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Not discovered.
- Not yet discovered.

Synonyms of "Undiscovered" as an adjective (6 Words)
dormant | (of a volcano) temporarily inactive. The successful consortium included a dormant company. |
inactive | Not participating in a chemical reaction; chemically inert. An inactive Russian spy. |
quiescent | (pathology) causing no symptoms. The quiescent melancholy of the town. |
unexplored | Not yet discovered. The research focuses on an unexplored theme in European history. |
untapped | (of a resource) not yet exploited or used. The vast untapped potential of individual women and men. |
unused | Not yet used or soiled. Unused to spicy food she took a long mouthful of water. |
Usage Examples of "Undiscovered" as an adjective
- Undiscovered islands.
- The novel had lain undiscovered for years among his papers.
- With earth-based telescopes many stars remain undiscovered.
Associations of "Undiscovered" (30 Words)
anonymous | (of a person) not identified by name; of unknown name. An anonymous gift. |
esoteric | Intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest. A compilation of esoteric philosophical theories. |
inglorious | Deserving or bringing disgrace or shame- Rachel Carson. Inglorious though the peasants may have been this is not synonymous with mute. |
invisible | Invisible exports and imports. This invisible gas is present to some extent in every home. |
leftover | Not used up. Leftover meatloaf. |
lifeboat | A small boat kept on a ship for use in emergency, typically one of a number on deck or suspended from davits. |
nameless | Too horrific to be described. His grandfather had been a nameless parentless child. |
obscure | Make obscure or unclear. The stars are obscured by the clouds. |
occult | Cause an eclipse of (a celestial body) by intervention. Occult blood in the stool. |
offstage | A stage area out of sight of the audience. Offstage political meetings. |
recondite | Difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge. Some recondite problem in historiography. |
remaining | Still existing, present, or in use; surviving. Lilly was my last remaining close relative. |
shameful | Worthy of or causing shame or disgrace. A shameful display of cowardice. |
sight | Take aim by looking through the sights of a gun. Out of sight of land. |
soundproof | Preventing, or constructed of material that prevents, the passage of sound. A sheet of soundproof glass. |
survivor | A person who copes well with difficulties in their life. The survivors of the fire were taken to a hospital. |
unappreciated | Not likely to be rewarded. She had been brought up in a family where she felt unappreciated and undervalued. |
unaware | Not aware. Unaware of the danger they were in. |
undetected | Not detected or discovered. The thieves escaped undetected. |
undiagnosed | Eluding diagnosis. Undiagnosed disease. |
unfamiliar | Not known or well known. A name unfamiliar to most. |
unidentified | Not yet identified. An unidentified species. |
unintentionally | Without intention; in an unintentional manner. Unintentionally rude song lyrics. |
unknown | An unknown and unexplored region. They came like angels out the unknown. |
unnamed | Being or having an unknown or unnamed source. An unnamed donor. |
unnoticed | Not noticed. A deliberate kick that went unnoticed by the referee. |
unobserved | Not seen or observed. Managed to slip away unobserved. |
unseen | An unseen passage for translation. Unseen forces at work. |
unsung | Having value that is not acknowledged. Harvey is one of the unsung heroes of the industrial revolution. |
whereabouts | The place where someone or something is. Whereabouts do you come from. |