Need another word that means the same as “unfocused”? Find 19 synonyms for “unfocused” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Unfocused” are: unfocussed, tearful, teary, weepy, weeping, lachrymose, indistinct, blurry, fuzzy, hazy, misty, foggy, shadowy, smoky, faint, purposeless, pointless, goalless, undirected
Unfocused as an Adjective
Definitions of "Unfocused" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “unfocused” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- (of a person's eyes or gaze) not focusing on a particular person or thing.
- (of an optical device) not adjusted to focus.
- (of an object of vision) not in focus; indistinct.
- (of feelings or plans) without a specific aim or direction.
- Not concentrated at one point or upon one objective- Owen Wister.
- (of a lens) not making incident light rays meet at a single point.
- Not concentrated at one point or upon one objective.
- (of an image) not being in or brought into focus.
- Not being in or brought into focus.

Synonyms of "Unfocused" as an adjective (19 Words)
blurry | Not clearly or distinctly visible or audible. Their eyes were blurry with tears. |
faint | Indistinctly understood or felt or perceived. Suddenly felt faint from the pain. |
foggy | Indistinct or hazy in outline. A dark and foggy night. |
fuzzy | Having a frizzy texture or appearance. Their former jolly sound has been drowned in swathes of layered fuzzy guitar. |
goalless | Lacking purpose or direction. A goalless draw. |
hazy | Indistinct or hazy in outline. School leavers were often hazy about employment. |
indistinct | Not clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand. Only indistinct notions of what to do. |
lachrymose | Inducing tears; sad. She was pink eyed and lachrymose. |
misty | Wet with mist. The misty air above the frozen river. |
pointless | Serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being. Speculating like this is a pointless exercise. |
purposeless | Serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being. His purposeless life. |
shadowy | Filled with shade. We sat on rocks in a shadowy cove. |
smoky | Producing or obscured by a great deal of smoke. A smoky office. |
tearful | Showing sorrow. A tearful infant. |
teary | Full of tears; tearful. There were teary eyes all round. |
undirected | Lacking direction; without a particular aim, purpose, or target. She was full of ineffectual undirected anger. |
unfocussed | Not concentrated at one point or upon one objective- Owen Wister. |
weeping | Used in names of tree and shrub varieties with drooping branches e g weeping cherry. The pendulous branches of a weeping willow. |
weepy | Tearful; inclined to weep. A weepy made for TV movie. |

Usage Examples of "Unfocused" as an adjective
- At their edges things were pretty much unfocused.
- Diversity…in our huge unfocused country.
- He had the bleary, unfocused look of a hangover.
- Her eyes became unfocused with deep thought.
- His voice quavered with an unfocused rage.
- Dark unfocused figures stood in the shadows beneath the trees.
- Perpetually unfocused binoculars.