UNIMPEDED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for UNIMPEDED?

Need another word that means the same as “unimpeded”? Find 11 synonyms for “unimpeded” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Unimpeded” are: unrestricted, unconstrained, unhindered, unhampered, free, open, clear, unchecked, uninhibited, untrammelled, unlimited

Unimpeded as an Adjective

Definitions of "Unimpeded" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “unimpeded” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Not slowed or prevented.
  • Not obstructed or hindered.

Synonyms of "Unimpeded" as an adjective (11 Words)

clearClear and distinct to the senses easily perceptible.
A clear case of poisoning.
free(of power or energy) disengaged or available.
He pulled his arm free and ran.
openOf textures full of small openings or gaps.
Both sides played fast open rugby to produce a high scoring game.
unchecked(especially of something undesirable) not controlled or restrained.
Prices rose unchecked hitting the poor worst of all.
unconstrainedNot restricted or limited.
The dog was unconstrained.
unhamperedNot slowed or blocked or interfered with.
Unhampered dissemination of news.
unhinderedNot hindered or obstructed.
An exhilarating walk unhindered by walls and fences.
uninhibitedExpressing one’s feelings or thoughts unselfconsciously and without restraint.
Fits of uninhibited laughter.
unlimitedWithout reservation or exception.
Offshore reserves of gas and oil are not unlimited.
unrestrictedFree of restrictions on conduct.
Unrestricted verbs are usually stronger than those qualified by adverbs.
untrammelledNot confined or limited.
A mind untrammelled by convention.

Usage Examples of "Unimpeded" as an adjective

  • An unimpeded view across the headland.
  • An unimpeded sweep of meadows and hills afforded a peaceful setting.
  • A time of unimpeded growth.

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