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UNORGANIZED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for UNORGANIZED?

Need another word that means the same as “unorganized”? Find 23 synonyms and 30 related words for “unorganized” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Unorganized” are: nonunionised, nonunionized, unorganised, careless, lackadaisical, slapdash, disorganized, haphazard, last-minute, untidy, messy, unsystematic, unmethodical, casual, offhand, thoughtless, heedless, negligent, neglectful, remiss, lax, slack, slovenly

Unorganized as an Adjective

Definitions of "Unorganized" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “unorganized” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Not affiliated in a trade union.
  • Not organized.
  • Not having or belonging to a structured whole.
  • Not represented by or formed into a trade union.

Synonyms of "Unorganized" as an adjective (23 Words)

carelessMarked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness; not careful.
Careless proofreading.
casualNot showing effort or strain.
A casual meeting.
disorganizedLacking order or methodical arrangement or function.
A thousand pages of muddy and disorganized prose.
haphazardMarked by great carelessness.
A haphazard plan of action.
heedlessMarked by or paying little heed or attention–Franklin D. Roosevelt.
His heedless impetuosity.
lackadaisicalIdle or indolent especially in a dreamy way- P.G.Wodehouse.
A lackadaisical spiritless young man about town.
last-minuteJust before a deadline at the last minute.
laxOf a speech sound especially a vowel pronounced with the vocal muscles relaxed.
Lax in attending classes.
messy(of a situation) confused and difficult to deal with.
His messy hair.
neglectfulNot giving proper care or attention to someone or something.
Neglectful of his duties.
negligentCharacterized by neglect and undue lack of concern.
The council had been negligent in its supervision of the children in care.
nonunionisedNot affiliated in a trade union.
nonunionizedNot affiliated in a trade union.
offhandCasually thoughtless or inconsiderate.
She treated most men with offhand contempt.
remissLacking care or attention to duty; negligent.
Remiss of you not to pay your bills.
slackNot tense or taut.
They were working at a slack pace.
slapdashDone too hurriedly and carelessly.
He gave a slapdash performance.
slovenly(especially of a person or action) careless; excessively casual.
Slovenly speech.
thoughtlessShowing lack of careful thought.
It was thoughtless of her to have rushed out and not said where she would be going.
unmethodicalNot efficient or methodical.
His inability to locate the source of the trouble resulted in unmethodical chaos.
unorganisedNot affiliated in a trade union.
unsystematicNot done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; unmethodical.
He works in an unsystematic manner.
untidyNot neat and tidy.
Untidy and casual about money.

Usage Examples of "Unorganized" as an adjective

  • Unorganized territories lack a formal government.
  • Unorganized white-collar workers.
  • The workers in the plant were unorganized.
  • Unorganized data.

Associations of "Unorganized" (30 Words)

adjudicatorA person who studies and settles conflicts and disputes.
The proposal to close the school will have to go before an adjudicator.
amorphous(of a solid) not crystalline, or not apparently crystalline.
An amorphous mineral.
autonomous(in Kantian moral philosophy) acting in accordance with one’s moral duty rather than one’s desires.
An autonomous judiciary.
developmentA district that has been developed to serve some purpose.
The latest developments in information technology.
eachEvery one considered individually.
They received 10 each.
egocentrismConcern for your own interests and welfare.
egotistA conceited and self-centered person.
He is a self absorbed egotist.
entityExistence; being.
Entity and nonentity.
freeFree from obligations or duties.
She was always free with her money.
freelancerA writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of them.
growthSomething grown or growing.
The method enables doctors to distinguish between malignant and benign growths.
illimitableWithout limits or an end.
The illimitable human capacity for evil.
independenceThe fact or state of being independent.
I ve always valued my independence.
independentAn independent political candidate.
The independent candidate.
independentlyOn your own; without outside help.
The figures have been independently audited.
individualSeparate and distinct from others of the same kind.
Mark the individual pages.
initiativeAn act or strategy intended to resolve a difficulty or improve a situation; a fresh approach to something.
Anti hunting groups have seized the initiative in the dispute.
irrespectiveNot taking (something) into account; regardless of.
Child benefit is paid irrespective of income levels.
nationalistRelating to nationalists or nationalism.
Minor nationalistic differences.
secedeWithdraw from an organization or communion.
The kingdom of Belgium seceded from the Netherlands in 1830.
separatistRelating to separatists or separatism.
Religious separatists.
unaidedCarried out without aid or assistance.
His first unaided walk through the park.
unbridledUncontrolled; unconstrained.
Unbridled lust.
uncheckedNot restrained or controlled.
Prices rose unchecked hitting the poor worst of all.
unfetteredNot bound by shackles and chains.
Unfettered artistic genius.
unformedNot having form or shape.
An as yet unformed government.
unlimitedHaving no limits in range or scope.
Offshore reserves of gas and oil are not unlimited.
unrestrictedNot subject to or subjected to restriction.
Unrestricted verbs are usually stronger than those qualified by adverbs.
wildA wild primitive state untouched by civilization.
He lived in the wild.
yetUsed after a superlative.
The largest drug bust yet.

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