UNRECOGNIZED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for UNRECOGNIZED?

Need another word that means the same as “unrecognized”? Find 33 synonyms for “unrecognized” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Unrecognized” are: unrecognised, little known, unknown, undistinguished, insignificant, unimportant, inconsequential, inconspicuous, unnoticed, nameless, anonymous, minor, humble, lowly, unrenowned, unsung, unhonoured, inglorious, forgotten, unremembered, out of mind, gone clean out of someone's mind, past recollection, past recall, obliterated, buried, left behind, bygone, past, gone, lost, irrecoverable, irretrievable

Unrecognized as an Adjective

Definitions of "Unrecognized" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “unrecognized” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Not recognized.
  • Not having a secure reputation.
  • Not identified from previous encounters or knowledge.
  • Not acknowledged as valuable or valid.

Synonyms of "Unrecognized" as an adjective (33 Words)

anonymous(of a person) not identified by name; of unknown name.
Brown anonymous houses.
buriedPlaced in a grave.
The hastily buried corpses.
bygoneWell in the past; former.
Relics of a bygone age.
forgottenNot noticed inadvertently.
He was scolded for his forgotten chores.
goneWell in the past; former.
She sat half gone on a folding chair.
gone clean out of someone's mindDead.
humbleUsed of unskilled work (especially domestic work.
I felt very humble when meeting her.
inconsequentialLacking worth or importance.
His work seems trivial and inconsequential.
inconspicuousNot clearly visible or attracting attention.
He pushed the string through an inconspicuous hole.
ingloriousDeserving or bringing disgrace or shame- Rachel Carson.
Inglorious though the peasants may have been this is not synonymous with mute.
insignificant(of a person) without power or influence.
Insignificant sounds.
irrecoverableNot able to be recovered, regained, or remedied.
His liquid assets had to be written off as irrecoverable.
irretrievableNot able to be retrieved or put right.
The irretrievable breakdown of their marriage.
left behindBeing or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north.
little knownFaint.
lostHaving lost your bearings confused as to time or place or personal identity.
She stood there clutching a drink feeling completely lost.
lowly(of an organism) primitive or simple.
A lowly parish priest.
minorOf a key or mode based on a minor scale and tending to produce a sad or pensive effect.
A minor poet.
nameless(of a child) illegitimate.
The director of an organization which shall remain nameless.
obliteratedReduced to nothingness.
out of mindOut of power; especially having been unsuccessful in an election.
pastEarlier than the present time; no longer current.
The past year.
past recallOf a person who has held and relinquished a position or office.
past recollectionOf a person who has held and relinquished a position or office.
undistinguishedNot worthy of notice.
An undistinguished career.
unhonouredNot given public praise or respect.
His first rate performances were largely unhonoured.
unimportantLacking in importance or significance.
Trivial and unimportant details.
unknownBeing or having an unknown or unnamed source.
An unknown source.
unnoticedNot noticed.
A deliberate kick that went unnoticed by the referee.
unrecognisedNot recognized.
unrememberedNot remembered; forgotten.
They lived according to social codes now utterly unremembered.
unrenownedNot renowned.
unsungNot famous or acclaimed.
Harvey is one of the unsung heroes of the industrial revolution.

Usage Examples of "Unrecognized" as an adjective

  • Their contribution often goes unrecognized.
  • He was unrecognized in his disguise.
  • She was able to wander about the village unrecognized.
  • Short stories by unrecognized writers.

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