Need another word that means the same as “unsuccessful”? Find 5 synonyms and 30 related words for “unsuccessful” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Unsuccessful” are: abortive, stillborn, failed, unprofitable, unprosperous
Unsuccessful as an Adjective
Definitions of "Unsuccessful" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “unsuccessful” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Not successful.
- Not successful; having failed or having an unfavorable outcome.
- Failing to accomplish an intended result.

Synonyms of "Unsuccessful" as an adjective (5 Words)
abortive | (of an organ or organism) rudimentary; arrested in development. An abortive revolt. |
failed | (of a mechanism) not functioning properly. A failed coup attempt. |
stillborn | (of a proposal or plan) having failed to develop or be realized. One of the twins was stillborn. |
unprofitable | (of a business or activity) not yielding profit or financial gain. There has been much unprofitable speculation. |
unprosperous | Not enjoying or bringing financial success. |

Usage Examples of "Unsuccessful" as an adjective
- An unsuccessful attempt to enter Parliament.
Associations of "Unsuccessful" (30 Words)
abortive | Causing or resulting in abortion. Abortive techniques. |
calamitous | Involving calamity; catastrophic or disastrous. Such calamitous events as fires hurricanes and floods. |
defeated | People who are defeated. The defeated army. |
dejected | Sad and depressed; dispirited. Is dejected but trying to look cheerful. |
despondent | Without or almost without hope. Despondent about his failure. |
disadvantaged | (of a person or area) in unfavourable circumstances, especially with regard to financial or social opportunities. We began to help the disadvantaged. |
disappointed | (of hopes or expectations) prevented from being realized. The rising was a revolution of disappointed hopes. |
disastrous | (of events) having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences; bringing ruin. United made a disastrous start to the season. |
disillusioned | Disappointed in someone or something that one discovers to be less good than one had believed. The minority groups were completely disillusioned with the party. |
foiled | Disappointingly unsuccessful. Their foiled attempt to capture Calais. |
frustrated | Prevented from progressing, succeeding, or being fulfilled. Years of frustrated attempts to regain control of the site. |
frustrating | Preventing realization or attainment of a desire. It can be very frustrating to find that the size you want isn t there. |
hapless | (especially of a person) unfortunate. A hapless victim. |
inauspicious | Not conducive to success; unpromising. Following this inauspicious start the British outnumbered withdrew. |
infelicitous | Marked by or producing unhappiness- American Guide Series. An infelicitous remark. |
misadventure | Death caused by a person accidentally while performing a legal act without negligence or intent to harm. The petty misdemeanours and misadventures of childhood. |
mischance | An unlucky occurrence. Innumerable mischances might ruin the enterprise. |
mishap | An unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate. The event passed without mishap. |
pathetic | Deserving or inciting pity- Galsworthy. It was a pathetic sight. |
piteous | Deserving or inciting pity. Piteous appeals for help. |
pitiable | Deserving or inciting pity. Pitiable homeless children. |
ruined | Destroyed physically or morally. A ruined castle. |
stillborn | Showing no signs of life at birth; not liveborn. One of the twins was stillborn. |
underprivileged | (of a person) not enjoying the same standard of living or rights as the majority of people in a society. Needy and underprivileged members of the community. |
unfortunate | Not favored by fortune; marked or accompanied by or resulting in ill fortune. An unfortunate speech. |
unfruitful | Not producing good or helpful results; unproductive. The meeting was unfruitful. |
unfulfilled | Not having fully utilized or exploited one’s abilities or character. Unfulfilled and uneasy men. |
unlucky | Having or bringing misfortune. An unlucky defeat. |
unsatisfied | Worried and uneasy. The compromise left all sides unsatisfied. |
wretched | (of a person) in a very unhappy or unfortunate state. The wretched conditions of the slums. |