Need another word that means the same as “unthinkable”? Find 15 synonyms and 30 related words for “unthinkable” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Unthinkable” are: unimaginable, inconceivable, unbelievable, incredible, implausible, illogical, impossible, unconscionable, out of the question, absurd, unreasonable, preposterous, ludicrous, outrageous, shocking
Unthinkable as an Adjective
Definitions of "Unthinkable" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “unthinkable” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- (of a situation or event) too unlikely or undesirable to be considered a possibility.
- Incapable of being conceived or considered.

Synonyms of "Unthinkable" as an adjective (15 Words)
absurd | Wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate. The absurd excuse that the dog ate his homework. |
illogical | Lacking sense or clear, sound reasoning. An illogical fear of the supernatural. |
implausible | Highly imaginative but unlikely. This is a blatantly implausible claim. |
impossible | Very difficult to deal with. It was almost impossible to keep up with him. |
inconceivable | Not capable of being imagined or grasped mentally; unbelievable. They behaved with inconceivable cruelty. |
incredible | Beyond belief or understanding. An almost incredible tale of triumph and tragedy. |
ludicrous | Broadly or extravagantly humorous; resembling farce. Ludicrous green hair. |
out of the question | Directed outward or serving to direct something outward. |
outrageous | Greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation. Her outrageous leotards and sexy routines. |
preposterous | Incongruous;inviting ridicule. A preposterous suggestion. |
shocking | Giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation. The most shocking book of its time. |
unbelievable | Not able to be believed; unlikely to be true. Unbelievable or not it happened. |
unconscionable | Unreasonably excessive. An unconscionable liar. |
unimaginable | Totally unlikely. Lives of almost unimaginable deprivation. |
unreasonable | Beyond normal limits. She knew she was being unreasonable but she resented his domesticity. |
Usage Examples of "Unthinkable" as an adjective
- The unthinkable happened—I spoke up.
- It was unthinkable that John could be dead.
Associations of "Unthinkable" (30 Words)
amaze | Surprise (someone) greatly; fill with astonishment. He has been amazed by the quality of the employees at the bank. |
astonish | Surprise or impress (someone) greatly. It astonished her that he was so anxious. |
astonishing | So surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm. Such an enormous response was astonishing. |
astound | Affect with wonder. Her bluntness astounded him. |
astounding | So surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm. The summit offers astounding views. |
fabulous | Extraordinary, especially extraordinarily large. The fabulous endurance of a marathon runner. |
implausible | (of an argument or statement) not seeming reasonable or probable; failing to convince. Gave the teacher an implausible excuse. |
impossible | Used of persons or their behavior. What an arrogant impossible fool. |
impracticable | (of a course of action) impossible in practice to do or carry out. It was impracticable to widen the road here. |
improbable | Too improbable to admit of belief. An improbable event. |
inconceivable | Totally unlikely. They behaved with inconceivable cruelty. |
incredible | Beyond belief or understanding. The book s plot is simply incredible. |
insufferable | Too extreme to bear. Insufferable insolence. |
intolerable | Incapable of being put up with. The intolerable pressures of his work. |
marvelous | Being or having the character of a miracle. A marvelous collection of rare books. |
miraculous | Of the nature of a miracle or having the power to work miracles. A miraculous cure. |
miraculously | In a miraculous manner. The two drivers miraculously escaped with only minor injuries. |
profound | Profound quality. Profound social changes. |
redoubtable | (of a person) formidable, especially as an opponent. A tougher and more redoubtable adversary than the heel clicking jackbooted fanatic. |
staggering | So surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm. The staggering bills for maintenance and repair. |
surprising | Causing surprise or wonder or amazement. She earned a surprising amount of money. |
unacceptable | Not satisfactory or allowable. A word unacceptable in polite society. |
unbearable | Incapable of being put up with. The heat was getting unbearable. |
unbelievable | Having a probability too low to inspire belief. Unbelievable or not it happened. |
unbelievably | Used to introduce a statement that is hard to believe. The show went unbelievably well. |
unconvincing | Failing to make someone believe that something is true or valid. A slightly bizarre and unconvincing fusion of musical forces. |
unendurable | Incapable of being put up with. Cries of unendurable suffering. |
unimaginable | Totally unlikely. Lives of almost unimaginable deprivation. |
unlikely | Not likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred. A butcher is unlikely to preach vegetarianism. |
wonderful | Extraordinarily good or great; used especially as intensifiers. They all think she s wonderful. |