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UNUSED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for UNUSED?

Need another word that means the same as “unused”? Find 9 synonyms and 30 related words for “unused” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Unused” are: idle, fresh, unutilized, unemployed, unexploited, not in service, unaccustomed, not used, new

Unused as an Adjective

Definitions of "Unused" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “unused” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Infrequently exposed to.
  • Not in active use.
  • Not yet used or soiled.
  • Not familiar with or accustomed to.
  • Not being, or never having been, used.
  • Not yet put into use.

Synonyms of "Unused" as an adjective (9 Words)

freshRecently made, produced, or harvested.
Fresh air.
idleNot in active use.
Idle carpenters.
newGratuitously new.
Ready to take a new direction.
not in serviceHolding office.
not usedEmployed in accomplishing something- H.H.Arnold & I.C.Eaker.
unaccustomedNot familiar or usual; out of the ordinary.
The visitors were unaccustomed to country roads.
unemployed(of a thing) not in use.
You have to put your left foot under the clutch when it is unemployed.
unexploited(of resources) not used to maximum benefit.
Unexploited reserves of natural gas.
unutilizedNot used or not used effectively.
There is very little unutilized space in any school.

Usage Examples of "Unused" as an adjective

  • Any unused equipment will be welcomed back.
  • Unused to spicy food, she took a long mouthful of water.
  • We bought an unused car for a change.
  • An unused envelope.

Associations of "Unused" (30 Words)

abeyantInactive but capable of becoming active.
alreadyBefore or by now or the time in question.
Anna has suffered a great deal already.
beginnerA person just starting to learn a skill or take part in an activity.
An absolute beginner.
difficultyA condition or state of affairs almost beyond one’s ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome.
Had difficulty walking.
dilatoryIntended to cause delay.
He had been dilatory in appointing a solicitor.
dormantLying with head on paws as if sleeping.
The event evoked memories that she would rather had lain dormant.
hardshipSomething hard to endure.
The shared hardships of wartime.
idlenessLaziness; indolence.
He was punished for his idleness at school.
immatureNot fully developed or mature; not ripe.
His immature sense of humour.
inactionLack of action where some is expected or appropriate.
Future generations will condemn us for inaction.
inactiveNot involved in military operations.
Inactive Crohn s disease.
inactivityThe state of being inactive.
People are frustrated with government inactivity.
inertUnable to move or resist motion.
An inert political system.
inexperiencedLacking practical experience or training.
An inexperienced driver.
lazyUnwilling to work or use energy.
He was too lazy to cook.
lullA temporary interval of quiet or lack of activity.
There was a lull in the storm.
motionlessNot moving; stationary.
An eagle hung almost motionless close to the ground.
prudishExaggeratedly proper.
The prudish moral climate of the late 19th century.
quiescenceQuiet and inactive restfulness.
This method has been shown to induce sleep like quiescence in adult animals.
quiescentBeing quiet or still or inactive.
The quiescent melancholy of the town.
sedentary(of a position) sitting; seated.
We all walk a certain amount every day even if we are sedentary.
sluggishSlow and apathetic.
A sluggish market.
stagnantShowing no activity; dull and sluggish.
A stagnant ditch.
stationaryStanding still.
A car collided with a stationary vehicle.
torpidMentally or physically inactive; lethargic.
Torpid frogs.
unaccustomedNot familiar or usual; out of the ordinary.
They finished their supper with unaccustomed speed.
unanimated(of an image) not moving; still.
The backgrounds are simple unanimated and monochrome.
unpracticedNot having had extensive practice.
unskilledNot doing a good job.
Unskilled labor.
variableA symbol like x or y that is used in mathematical or logical expressions to represent a variable quantity.
Awards can be for variable amounts.

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