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UPRISING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for UPRISING?

Need another word that means the same as “uprising”? Find 10 synonyms and 30 related words for “uprising” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Uprising” are: insurrection, rebellion, revolt, rising, mutiny, revolution, insurgence, insurgency, rioting, riot

Uprising as a Noun

Definitions of "Uprising" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “uprising” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • An act of resistance or rebellion; a revolt.
  • Organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another.

Synonyms of "Uprising" as a noun (10 Words)

insurgenceAn act of rising in active revolt.
He quelled the insurgence and became governor of the region.
insurgencyAn active revolt or uprising.
Rebels are waging an armed insurgency to topple the monarchy.
insurrectionOrganized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another.
The insurrection was savagely put down.
mutinyOpen rebellion against constituted authority (especially by seamen or soldiers against their officers.
The crew were on the verge of mutiny.
rebellionRefusal to accept some authority or code or convention.
Each generation must have its own rebellion.
revoltOrganized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another.
A revolt over tax increases.
revolution(in Marxism) the class struggle which is expected to lead to political change and the triumph of communism.
Near the solar equator the sun takes about 26 days to complete one revolution.
riotA joke that seems extremely funny.
Riot police.
riotingThe violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.
The clashes followed a night of rioting in several parts of the city.
risingAn armed protest against authority; a revolt.
The reforms led to peasant risings.

Usage Examples of "Uprising" as a noun

  • An armed uprising.

Associations of "Uprising" (30 Words)

ascentAn upward slope or grade (as in a road.
The first ascent of the Matterhorn.
civilRelating to civil law.
Even if he didn t like them he should have been civil.
complainExpress complaints discontent displeasure or unhappiness.
We all complained bitterly about the food.
demonstrationAn act of showing that something exists or is true by giving proof or evidence.
He confused the enemy with feints and demonstrations.
disloyaltyThe quality of being disloyal.
An accusation of disloyalty and betrayal.
disobedienceThe trait of being unwilling to obey.
Disobedience to law is sometimes justified.
firebrandA piece of wood that has been burned or is burning.
A political firebrand.
improvingGetting higher or more vigorous.
An improving economy.
ingratitudeA discreditable lack of gratitude.
He returned his daughter s care with ingratitude and unkindness.
instigatorA person who brings about or initiates something.
He was not the instigator of the incident.
insubordinationAn insubordinate act.
He was dismissed for insubordination.
insurgentIn opposition to a civil authority or government.
A series of insurgent attacks.
insurrectionOrganized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another.
The insurrection was savagely put down.
mutinyEngage in a mutiny against an authority.
A mutiny by those manning the weapons could trigger a global war.
overthrowA score made because the ball has been overthrown.
The Czar was overthrown.
protestThe act of protesting a public often organized manifestation of dissent.
A protest over planned pit closures.
publicOf or provided by the state rather than an independent, commercial company.
He is a hero in the eyes of the public.
rabbleA disorderly crowd of people.
The British feel no compunction about ushering the gentry into the coach and packing the rabble off to debtor s prison.
rebelA person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority especially in the hope of improving conditions.
Respect did not prevent children from rebelling against their parents.
rebellionOrganized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another.
Each generation must have its own rebellion.
remonstrateArgue in protest or opposition.
He turned angrily to remonstrate with Tommy.
revoltFeel disgust.
A revolt over tax increases.
revolutionA drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving.
The revolution of the earth about the sun takes one year.
revolutionaryInvolving or causing a complete or dramatic change.
The revolutionary army.
riotTake part in a riot disturb the public peace by engaging in a riot.
The garden was a riot of colour.
risingAn armed protest against authority; a revolt.
A rising market.
steeplyBy a very large or sudden amount.
The walls of the gorge rise steeply on both sides.
treasonAn act of deliberate betrayal.
Doubt is the ultimate treason against faith.
upDenoting a flavour variety of stable quark having relatively low mass and an electric charge of 2 3 In the Standard Model protons and neutrons are composed of up and down quarks.
She upped and left him.
uphillAgainst difficulties.
Follow the track uphill.

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