Need another word that means the same as “varied”? Find 16 synonyms and 30 related words for “varied” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Varied” are: wide-ranging, diverse, assorted, diversified, differing, miscellaneous, mixed, motley, sundry, jumbled, haphazard, heterogeneous, manifold, disparate, variegated, multifarious
Varied as an Adjective
Definitions of "Varied" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “varied” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Characterized by variety.
- Broken away from sameness or identity or duplication.
- Incorporating a number of different types or elements; showing variation or variety.
- Widely different.

Synonyms of "Varied" as an adjective (16 Words)
assorted | Of many different kinds purposefully arranged but lacking any uniformity. Assorted sizes. |
differing | Not the same as each other; dissimilar. Widely differing circumstances. |
disparate | Including markedly dissimilar elements. Disparate ideas. |
diverse | Distinctly dissimilar or unlike. Subjects as diverse as architecture language teaching and the physical sciences. |
diversified | Having variety of character or form or components; or having increased variety. Diversified farming. |
haphazard | Lacking any obvious principle of organization. The music business works in a haphazard fashion. |
heterogeneous | Consisting of elements that are not of the same kind or nature. The population of the United States is vast and heterogeneous. |
jumbled | In utter disorder. |
manifold | Many and various. The implications of this decision were manifold. |
miscellaneous | (of a collection or group) composed of members or elements of different kinds. A miscellaneous crowd. |
mixed | Composed of different varieties of the same thing. People of mixed race. |
motley | Having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly. A motley crew of discontents and zealots. |
multifarious | Having many varied parts or aspects. The multifarious noise of a great city. |
sundry | Consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds. Prawn and garlic vol au vents and sundry other delicacies. |
variegated | (of a plant or foliage) having or consisting of leaves that are edged or patterned in a second colour, especially white as well as green. The variegated form of philadelphus. |
wide-ranging | Including much. |

Usage Examples of "Varied" as an adjective
- Varied motives prompt people to join a political party.
- His work is interesting and varied.
- A long and varied career.
- Immigrants' varied ethnic and religious traditions.
- Her quickly varied answers indicated uncertainty.
- The phenomena were very varied.
- Varied ethnic traditions of the immigrants.

Associations of "Varied" (30 Words)
assorted | Of many different kinds purposefully arranged but lacking any uniformity. Assorted sizes. |
changed | Changed in constitution or structure or composition by metamorphism. Changed styles of dress. |
different | Differing from all others; not ordinary. The car is different from anything else on the market. |
dissimilar | Marked by dissimilarity. A collection of dissimilar nations lacking overall homogeneity. |
distorted | Giving a misleading or false account or impression; misrepresented. Distorted guitars. |
diverse | Showing a great deal of variety; very different. Subjects as diverse as architecture language teaching and the physical sciences. |
harebrained | Very foolish. Harebrained ideas. |
heterogeneous | Consisting of elements that are not of the same kind or nature. The population of the United States is vast and heterogeneous. |
itemize | Break down (a whole) into its constituent parts. I have itemized the morning s tasks. |
manifold | A pipe or chamber branching into several openings. The exhaust manifold. |
metamorphic | Of or marked by metamorphosis. The supermodels metamorphic ability to bend their looks. |
miscellaneous | (of items or people gathered or considered together) of various types or from different sources. Miscellaneous accessories. |
miscellany | A book containing a collection of pieces of writing by different authors. A miscellany of houses. |
mixed | (of an assessment of, reaction to, or feeling about something) containing a mixture of both favourable and negative elements. A mixed neighborhood. |
modified | Changed in form or character. Their modified stand made the issue more acceptable. |
motley | Make motley color with different colors. A motley crew. |
multifaceted | Having many different aspects or features. The diamond s multifaceted surface. |
multifarious | Having many varied parts or aspects. A vast multifarious organization. |
numerous | Great in number; many. The family was numerous. |
pastiche | Imitate the style of (an artist or work. The songs amount to much more than blatant pastiche. |
pluralism | The practice of holding more than one ecclesiastical office at a time. |
potpourri | A mixture of dried petals and spices placed in a bowl to perfume a room. He played a potpourri of tunes from Gilbert and Sullivan. |
protean | Taking on different forms. Eyes of that baffling protean grey which is never twice the same. |
respective | Considered individually. They chatted about their respective childhoods. |
several | Distinct and individual. Several letters came in the mail. |
sundry | Of various kinds; several. Sundry sciences commonly known as social. |
transformed | Given a completely different form or appearance. Shocked to see the transformed landscape. |
variety | A collection containing a variety of sorts of things. He goes to France for variety. |
various | Distinctly dissimilar or unlike. His various achievements are impressive. |
versatile | Able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities. A versatile anther of a flower moves freely in the wind. |