VYING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for VYING?

Need another word that means the same as “vying”? Find 30 related words for “vying” in this overview.

Associations of "Vying" (30 Words)

antagonistA person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.
LSD is a serotonin antagonist.
athleteA person who takes part in competitive track and field events (athletics).
He had the broad shouldered build of a natural athlete.
battleBattle or contend against in or as if in a battle.
Firefighters battled a 9 800 acre brush fire.
challengerA person who engages in a contest.
Heroic challengers of authority.
clashA minor short-term fight.
There have been minor clashes with security forces.
competeCompete for something engage in a contest measure oneself against others.
No one can compete with his physical prowess.
competitionA business relation in which two parties compete to gain customers.
There is fierce competition between banks.
competitorA person who takes part in a sporting contest.
Two competitors were banned for taking drugs.
conflictBe in conflict.
This behavior conflicts with our rules.
confrontationA hostile or argumentative situation or meeting between opposing parties.
The government was not ready for a confrontation with the unions.
contendAssert something as a position in an argument.
He contends that the judge was wrong.
contenderThe contestant you hope to defeat.
The major contenders in the football championship.
counterpartOne of two copies of a legal document.
The minister held talks with his French counterpart.
disagree(of food, climate, or an experience) have an adverse effect on.
No one was willing to disagree with him.
dissidentA person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state.
A dissident who had been jailed by a military regime.
encounterExperience as a reaction.
We have encountered one small problem.
enemyA personal enemy.
The enemy attacked at dawn.
hostileShowing or feeling opposition or dislike; unfriendly.
People are very hostile to the idea.
irreconcilable(of people) implacably hostile to each other.
Irreconcilable differences.
nemesisRetributive justice.
One risks nemesis by uttering such words.
objectorA person who expresses opposition to or disagreement with something.
Objectors to the housing plans.
opponentSomeone who offers opposition.
He beat his opponent by a landslide margin.
opposeBe against; express opposition to.
A workers movement opposed the regime.
opposingCharacterized by active hostility.
The opposing team.
oppositionThe principal parliamentary party opposed to that in office.
Despite opposition from the newspapers he went ahead.
overtakeCatch up with and possibly overtake.
Disaster overtook the town in 1296.
rivalBe the rival of be in competition with.
He has no serious rival for the job.
striveStruggle or fight vigorously.
Scholars must strive against bias.
struggleEngage in conflict.
He struggled to break free.
unseatDislodge from one’s seat, as from a horse.
Rawhide unseated Kevin Bradley at the first fence.

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