Need another word that means the same as “warfare”? Find 7 synonyms and 30 related words for “warfare” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Warfare” are: war, fighting, combat, conflict, struggle, military action, hostilities
Warfare as a Noun
Definitions of "Warfare" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “warfare” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The waging of armed conflict against an enemy.
- An active struggle between competing entities.
- Engagement in or the activities involved in war or conflict.

Synonyms of "Warfare" as a noun (7 Words)
combat | The act of fighting; any contest or struggle. Electoral combat. |
conflict | An open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals)–Thomas Paine. Regional conflicts. |
fighting | The act of fighting any contest or struggle. Terrible fighting broke out in the streets. |
hostilities | A hostile (very unfriendly) disposition. The outbreak of hostilities. |
military action | The military forces of a nation. |
struggle | Strenuous effort. With a struggle she pulled the pram up the slope. |
war | A legal state created by a declaration of war and ended by official declaration during which the international rules of war apply. The war against crime. |

Usage Examples of "Warfare" as a noun
- Guerrilla warfare.
- Diplomatic warfare.

Associations of "Warfare" (30 Words)
amphibious | Operating or living on land and in water. Amphibious troops. |
armament | The process of equipping military forces for war. They brought up more reinforcements and more armament. |
battle | Battle or contend against in or as if in a battle. He died in battle. |
battlefield | A region where a battle is being (or has been) fought. An ideological battlefield. |
belligerence | A natural disposition to be hostile. Mortimer was eyeing Guy with belligerence. |
bombardier | A member of a bomber crew in the US air force responsible for aiming and releasing bombs. |
byzantine | Highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious. |
combat | Take action to reduce or prevent (something bad or undesirable. Your men combated against the first of ours. |
commander | A commissioned naval officer who ranks above a lieutenant commander and below a captain. The commander of a paratroop regiment. |
defensive | An attitude of defensiveness especially in the phrase on the defensive. Defensive weapons. |
fighting | The action of fighting violence or conflict. Terrible fighting broke out in the streets. |
flotilla | A United States Navy fleet consisting of two or more squadrons of small warships. A flotilla of cargo boats. |
grenade | A small explosive bomb thrown by hand or fired from a missile. |
invasion | An incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity. Napoleon s disastrous invasion of Russia in 1812. |
maneuver | A military training exercise. She maneuvered herself into the directorship. |
military | Characteristic of or associated with soldiers or the military. The military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker. |
naval | Relating to a navy or navies. A naval base. |
siege | An operation in which a police or other force surround a building and cut off supplies, with the aim of forcing an armed person to surrender. Verdun had withstood a siege of ten weeks. |
sinking | A descent as through liquid (especially through water. With a sinking heart. |
soldier | Serve as a soldier in the military. The soldiers stood at attention. |
strategy | An elaborate and systematic plan of action. Time to develop a coherent economic strategy. |
submarine | Attack by submarine. The Germans submarined the Allies. |
tackle | The person who plays that position on a football team. The first scoring chance came when Orrell tackled Webb. |
tactic | A plan for attaining a particular goal. Basic infantry tactics were taught by guest instructors. |
tactics | The branch of military science dealing with detailed maneuvers to achieve objectives set by strategy. |
unbeatable | Hard to defeat. An unbeatable ball team. |
war | Engage in a war. Conflicting emotions warred within her. |
warmonger | A person who encourages or advocates aggression towards other countries or groups. |
warrior | (especially in former times) a brave or experienced soldier or fighter. The warrior heroes of ancient Greece. |
warship | A government ship that is available for waging war. |