WASTE OF TIME: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WASTE OF TIME?

Need another word that means the same as “waste of time”? Find 30 related words for “waste of time” in this overview.

Associations of "Waste of time" (30 Words)

abandonLeave behind empty; move out of.
An attempt to persuade businesses not to abandon the area to inner city deprivation.
binStore in bins.
Piles of junk that should have been binned years ago.
dallianceA casual romantic or sexual relationship.
MPs have the opportunity for dalliance as they are away from home for much of the week.
dallyTalk or behave amorously, without serious intentions.
Get busy don t dally.
discardAnything that is cast aside or discarded.
West led a heart and East was able to discard his club loser.
disposalThe power to use something or someone.
Disposals of fixed and non current assets.
The dots are unevenly disposed.
dumpA piece of land where waste materials are dumped.
An ammunitions dump.
dumpingSelling goods abroad at a price below that charged in the domestic market.
eliminateEliminate from the body.
The cyclist has eliminated all the competitors in the race.
garbageA worthless message.
Garbage littered the estate.
inefficientNot producing desired results; wasteful.
An inefficient campaign against drugs.
jettisonThe action of jettisoning something.
Six aircraft jettisoned their loads in the sea.
junkJunk bonds.
We need to clear out our junk room.
landfillBury in a landfill.
Landfill sites.
leavingThe act of departing.
litterGive birth to a litter of animals.
The sitting room was littered with books.
prodigalityExcessive spending.
recycleCause to repeat a cycle.
We must recycle the cardboard boxes.
recyclingThe act of processing used or abandoned materials for use in creating new products.
Every Monday we put our recycling out on the curb for pick up.
refuseRefuse to let have.
The car refused to start.
residualRelating to or indicating a remainder.
She has been awarded more than 4 5 million in residuals and profits from the highly successful television show.
residueA substance that remains after a process such as combustion or evaporation.
The residue of the country s colonial past.
reuseUse again after processing.
The ballast was cleaned ready for reuse.
rubbleThe remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up.
The tower is built of stone rubble faced with ashlar.
scavengeRemove unwanted substances from.
People sell junk scavenged from the garbage.
squanderSpend thoughtlessly; throw away.
The team squandered several good scoring chances.
trashWorthless material that is to be disposed of.
Trade associations trashed the legislation as deficient.
vestigialNot fully developed in mature animals.
The vestigial wings of kiwis are entirely hidden.

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