Need another word that means the same as “weave”? Find 29 synonyms and 30 related words for “weave” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Weave” are: interweave, tissue, waver, meander, thread, wander, wind, entwine, lace, work, twist, knit, interlace, intertwine, interwork, intertwist, interknit, twist together, braid, twine, plait, invent, make up, fabricate, put together, construct, create, contrive, spin
Weave as a Verb
Definitions of "Weave" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “weave” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Sway to and fro.
- Interlace by or as if by weaving.
- Form (fabric or a fabric item) by interlacing long threads passing in one direction with others at a right angle to them.
- Interlace (threads) so as to form fabric.
- Sway from side to side.
- To move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course.
- Create a piece of cloth by interlacing strands of fabric, such as wool or cotton.
- Include an element in (a story or pattern.
- Make (a complex story or pattern) from a number of interconnected elements.

Synonyms of "Weave" as a verb (29 Words)
braid | Edge or trim a garment with braid. When I was a kid I loved braiding my hair. |
construct | Draw or delineate (a geometrical figure) accurately to given conditions. Construct a square equal in area to a given circle. |
contrive | Create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice. He contrived to flood the flat three times. |
create | Create or manufacture a man made product. He created a new movement in painting. |
entwine | Tie or link together. They lay entwined in each other s arms. |
fabricate | Make up something artificial or untrue. Officers fabricated evidence. |
interknit | Knit (things) together; intertwine. |
interlace | Scan (a video image) in such a way that alternate lines form one sequence which is followed by the other lines in a second sequence. Jane interlaced her fingers to form a cup. |
intertwine | Make a loop in. Intertwined hearts. |
intertwist | Twist together. Bend and intertwist the stalks at the back. |
interweave | Weave or become woven together. The rugs are made by tightly interweaving the strands. |
interwork | (of items of hardware or software) be able to connect, communicate, or exchange data. Servers running new and old versions of the software will interwork. |
invent | Come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort. He invented an improved form of the steam engine. |
knit | Knit with a knit stitch. The experience knitted the men together. |
lace | Fasten or tighten a shoe or garment by tying the laces. The shoes laced at the front. |
make up | Create or manufacture a man-made product. |
meander | Wander at random. The path meanders through the vineyards. |
plait | Weave into plaits. Her hair had been plaited and coiled at the back of her head. |
put together | Formulate in a particular style or language. |
spin | Cause to spin. A DJ spins hits from the sixties. |
thread | Interweave or intersperse as if with threads. She threaded up the machine with the right cotton. |
tissue | Create a piece of cloth by interlacing strands of fabric, such as wool or cotton. Tissue textiles. |
twine | Make by twisting together or intertwining. A spray of jasmine was twined in her hair. |
twist | To move in a twisting or contorted motion especially when struggling. He grabbed the man and twisted his arm behind his back. |
twist together | Form into a spiral shape. |
wander | Move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment. He found her wandering the streets. |
waver | Move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern. His love for her had never wavered. |
wind | Make a baby bring up wind after feeding by patting its back. The river winds through the hills. |
work | Give a workout to. This unpleasant situation isn t going to work itself out. |

Usage Examples of "Weave" as a verb
- Textiles woven from linen or wool.
- Woven shawls.
- Interpretative comments are woven into the narrative.
- Some thick mohairs can be difficult to weave.
- He weaves colourful, cinematic plots.

Associations of "Weave" (30 Words)
braid | Make by braiding or interlacing. A flexible copper braid. |
cocoon | Wrap in or as if in a cocoon as for protection. She loves to stay at home and cocoon. |
cotton | The tropical and subtropical plant that is commercially grown to make cotton fabric and thread Oil and a protein rich flour are also obtained from the seeds. Cotton to something. |
crimp | A small connecting piece for crimping wires or lines together. Crimp hair. |
crochet | Create by looping or crocheting. She had crocheted the shawl herself. |
curl | A curling movement. A wisp of smoke curling across the sky. |
deviate | A person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior. Their deviate behaviour. |
flax | Textile fibre obtained from the flax plant. A mill for the preparation and spinning of flax. |
hank | A ring for securing a staysail to the stay. A thick hank of her blonde hair. |
interlace | Hold in a locking position. You need different software to interlace the images. |
interweave | Interlace by or as if by weaving. The branches met and interwove above his head. |
kink | Form a curl curve or kink. The river kinks violently in a right angle. |
knit | Make textiles by knitting. Disparate regions had begun to knit together under the king. |
knitting | The craft or action of knitting. I put down my knitting. |
linen | White goods or clothing made with linen cloth. A linen suit. |
meander | A bend or curve, as in a stream or river. A leisurely meander round the twisting coastline road. |
meandering | Following a winding course. Meandering streams. |
ramble | Walk for pleasure in the countryside. Roses climbed rambled hung over walls. |
sew | Fasten by sewing do needlework. Can the seamstress sew me a suit by next week. |
silk | Animal fibers produced by silkworms and other larvae that spin cocoons and by most spiders. A silk shirt. |
sinuous | Gracefully thin and bending and moving with ease. The sinuous grace of a cat. |
strand | Leave stranded or isolated with little hope of rescue. The ships were stranded in shallow water. |
string | Relating to or consisting of stringed instruments. I m not stringing you I ll eat my shirt if it s not true. |
thread | Interweave or intersperse as if with threads. He lost the thread of his argument. |
twist | A fine strong thread consisting of twisted strands of cotton or silk. The machine twists together strands to make a double yarn. |
warp | In weaving arrange yarn so as to form the warp of a piece of cloth. Wood has a tendency to warp. |
weft | The yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving. Weft threads. |
wind | A scent carried by the wind indicating the presence or proximity of an animal or person. The wind howled about the building. |
wool | Yarn or textile fibre made from wool. Her blue wool suit. |
yarn | Tell or spin a yarn. Hanks of pale green yarn. |