WHEREWITHAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WHEREWITHAL?

Need another word that means the same as “wherewithal”? Find 9 synonyms for “wherewithal” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Wherewithal” are: money, ready money, cash, capital, finance, finances, resources, funds, reserves

Wherewithal as a Noun

Definitions of "Wherewithal" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “wherewithal” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • The money or other means needed for a particular purpose.
  • The necessary means (especially financial means.

Synonyms of "Wherewithal" as a noun (9 Words)

capitalA center that is associated more than any other with some activity or product.
There is insufficient investment in human capital.
cashMoney in the form of bills or coins.
A discount for cash.
financeThe management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large companies.
The club s finances are stretched to the limit.
financesThe commercial activity of providing funds and capital.
fundsAssets in the form of money.
moneyWealth reckoned in terms of money.
All his money is in real estate.
ready moneyPoised for action.
reservesCivilians trained as soldiers but not part of the regular army.
resourcesAvailable source of wealth; a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed.
A man of resource.

Usage Examples of "Wherewithal" as a noun

  • They lacked the wherewithal to pay.

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