Need another word that means the same as “wife”? Find 6 synonyms and 30 related words for “wife” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Wife” are: married woman, spouse, partner, mate, consort, woman
Wife as a Noun
Definitions of "Wife" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “wife” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The wife of a person with a specified occupation.
- A woman, especially an old or uneducated one.
- A married woman; a man's partner in marriage.
- A married woman considered in relation to her spouse.

Synonyms of "Wife" as a noun (6 Words)
consort | A family of similar musical instrument playing together. Queen Victoria and her consort Prince Albert. |
married woman | A person who is married. |
mate | South American tea like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate. Camels hate leaving their mates. |
partner | A person s partner in marriage. Sexual partners. |
spouse | A husband or wife, considered in relation to their partner. |
woman | A disrespectful form of address to a woman. A daily woman. |

Usage Examples of "Wife" as a noun
- He and his wife are keen gardeners.
- A clergy wife.

Associations of "Wife" (30 Words)
bachelor | Lead a bachelor s existence. One of the country s most eligible bachelors. |
beau | A man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance. |
bigamy | Having two spouses at the same time. |
boyfriend | A man who is the lover of a man or woman. A boyfriend cardigan. |
cohabit | Exist together. Animals that can cohabit with humans thrive. |
concubine | A mistress. |
couple | Connect (a railway vehicle or a piece of equipment) to another. A sense of hope is coupled with a palpable sense of loss. |
darling | A lovable or endearing person. A darling little pillbox hat. |
estranged | (of a person) no longer close or affectionate to someone; alienated. Harriet felt more estranged from her daughter than ever. |
ex | Out of fashion. All his exes live in Texas. |
fiance | A man who is engaged to be married. |
fiancee | A woman who is engaged to be married. |
girlfriend | Any female friend. Mary and her girlfriend organized the party. |
guy | Steady or support with a guy wire or cable. He s a nice guy. |
harridan | A scolding (even vicious) old woman. A bullying old harridan. |
husband | Use cautiously and frugally. She and her husband are both retired. |
lover | An ardent follower and admirer. Music lovers. |
marriage | A combination or mixture of elements. Her music is a marriage of funk jazz and hip hop. |
married | Married people. A married man. |
marry | (of a parent or guardian) give (a son or daughter) in marriage. Eric asked me to marry him. |
mistress | A woman who is skilled in a particular subject or activity. Mary go and fetch your mistress some cold chicken. |
moll | A prostitute. I d rush the money over to his moll. |
morganatic | Of a marriage between one of royal or noble birth and one of lower rank; valid but with the understanding that the rank of the inferior remains unchanged and offspring do not succeed to titles or property of the superior. He contracted a morganatic marriage with a German born actress. |
newlywed | Someone recently married. |
paramour | A lover, especially the illicit partner of a married person. |
partner | A person s partner in marriage. She lived with her partner. |
polygamy | The condition or practice of having more than one spouse at a time. |
spouse | A person’s partner in marriage. |
wed | Be obstinately attached or devoted to (an activity, belief, or system. He was to wed the king s daughter. |
widower | A man whose wife is dead especially one who has not remarried. Her new found passion has turned me into a tennis widower. |