WIGGLE ROOM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WIGGLE ROOM?

Need another word that means the same as “wiggle room”? Find 30 related words for “wiggle room” in this overview.

Associations of "Wiggle room" (30 Words)

accommodationLiving quarters provided for public convenience.
The company offers a number of guest house accommodations in Oberammergau.
antechamberA large entrance or reception room or area.
The antechamber to an interview room.
anteroomAn antechamber, typically serving as a waiting room.
apartmentA block of apartments.
A district of six storey apartments arranged along narrow streets.
atticInformal terms for a human head.
I discovered a dozen rolls of the original wallpaper in a tin trunk in the attic.
bathroomA set of matching units to be fitted in a bathroom especially as sold together.
We re doing the whole place out and I ve just bought a new bathroom and kitchen.
bedroomDenoting a small town or suburb whose residents commute to a nearby city.
A hotel with nearly 200 bedrooms.
bedsideSpace by the side of a bed (especially the bed of a sick or dying person.
The doctor stood at her bedside.
berthSecure in or as if in a berth or dock.
He looked at home in an unfamiliar right back berth.
cabinetA cupboard with shelves or drawers for storing or displaying articles.
A cocktail cabinet.
caravanTravel in a caravan.
They spent a fishing holiday in a caravan.
chamberPlace a bullet into the chamber of a gun.
A burial chamber.
closetA small room (or recess) or cabinet used for storage space.
He was closeted with the king.
compartmentA space into which an area is subdivided.
The buildings are to be compartmented by fire walls.
consoleHousing for electronic instruments, as radio or television.
You can console yourself with the thought that you did your best.
domeA thing shaped like a dome.
The dome of St Paul s Cathedral.
doorstepA step leading up to the outer door of a house.
Doorstep sandwiches.
foyerAn entrance hall in a house or flat.
The foyer of the concert hall.
furnitureFurnishings that make a room or other area ready for occupancy.
The more sophisticated Mac furniture number wheels colour pickers and so on.
habitableFit for habitation.
The house should be habitable by Christmas.
hostelInexpensive supervised lodging (especially for youths on bicycling trips.
hotelA restaurant or cafe.
A hotel room.
houseThe people living in a house a household.
The house was full.
kitchenA set of fitments and units that are sold together and fixed in place in a kitchen.
The dried shrimp pastes of the Thai kitchen.
lobbyIn the UK lobby correspondents collectively.
The organization was formed to lobby for student concerns.
loftStore in a loft.
Loft conversions.
motelA motor hotel.
plankCover with planks.
Ned planked the glasses in front of him.
reservationThe written record or promise of an arrangement by which accommodations are secured in advance.
Some generals voiced reservations about making air strikes.
suiteA set of programs with a uniform design and the ability to share data.
The Royal Saloon was built for the use of the Queen and her suite.

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