WOKE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WOKE?

Need another word that means the same as “woke”? Find 30 related words for “woke” in this overview.

Associations of "Woke" (30 Words)

afternoonIn the afternoon every afternoon.
I telephoned this afternoon.
arouseTo begin moving.
Arouse pity.
awakeNot in a state of sleep; completely conscious.
The noise might keep you awake at night.
awakenRouse (a feeling.
Anna was awakened by the telephone.
bedtimeThe usual time when someone goes to bed.
A bedtime story.
dawnBecome light.
He set off at dawn.
dayThe part of a day when it is light the time between sunrise and sunset.
He deserves his day in court.
daybreakThe time in the morning when daylight first appears; dawn.
She set off at daybreak.
fridayThe sixth day of the week; the fifth working day.
midnightTwelve o’clock at night.
Young children should not be allowed to stay up until midnight.
mondayThe second day of the week; the first working day.
morningEvery morning.
They talked until morning.
napA period of time spent sleeping.
Excuse me I ll just take a little nap.
nightRoman goddess of night daughter of Erebus counterpart of Greek Nyx.
Investments that won t keep us awake nights with worry.
noonThe middle of the day.
The service starts at twelve noon.
o'clockAccording to the clock.
rouseCause to be agitated excited or roused.
His evasiveness roused my curiosity.
saturdayThe seventh and last day of the week; observed as the Sabbath by Jews and some Christians.
sleepTypically in the context of anticipating a forthcoming event a night or a night s sleep.
They had to put their family pet to sleep.
Sleeping Beauty slumbered in her forest castle.
sundayFirst day of the week; observed as a day of rest and worship by most Christians.
sunriseThe time in the morning when the sun appears or full daylight arrives.
An hour before sunrise.
tomorrowThe day after today.
I have work to do tomorrow morning.
tonightThe present or immediately coming night.
Tonight is a night to remember.
tuesdayThe third day of the week; the second working day.
wakenCause to become awake or conscious.
They combined to waken a forgotten and futile hope.
wakingThe state of remaining awake.
Days of danger and nights of waking.
wednesdayThe fourth day of the week; the third working day.
weekdayAny day except Sunday (and sometimes except Saturday.
The weekday rush hour.
yesterdayOn the day before today.
Yesterday s best sellers.

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