WOUNDED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WOUNDED?

Need another word that means the same as “wounded”? Find 2 synonyms and 30 related words for “wounded” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Wounded” are: maimed, hurt

Wounded as a Noun

Definitions of "Wounded" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “wounded” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • People who are wounded.

Synonyms of "Wounded" as a noun (1 Word)

maimedPeople who are wounded.

Usage Examples of "Wounded" as a noun

  • They had to leave the wounded where they fell.

Wounded as an Adjective

Definitions of "Wounded" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “wounded” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Inflicted with a wound; injured.
  • Suffering from physical injury especially that suffered in battle.

Synonyms of "Wounded" as an adjective (1 Word)

hurtDamaged inanimate objects or their value.
Dogs and cats with hurt paws.

Usage Examples of "Wounded" as an adjective

  • Her wounded feelings.
  • A wounded soldier.
  • Nursing his wounded arm.

Associations of "Wounded" (30 Words)

accidentAn unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.
Members belong to the House of Lords through hereditary right or accident of birth.
acheBe the source of pain.
He had stomach ache.
achingCausing a dull and steady pain.
I write this letter with tears in my eyes and an aching heart.
bruiseCause a bruise or bruises to appear on a fruit vegetable or plant.
I bruised my knee.
casualtyA decrease of military personnel or equipment.
The Insurers acquire all the Policyholder s rights in respect of the casualty which caused the loss.
concussionTemporary unconsciousness or confusion caused by a blow on the head.
Nothing more serious than a mild concussion.
damageSuffer or be susceptible to damage.
Bombing caused extensive damage to the town.
damagedBeing unjustly brought into disrepute.
The storm left a wake of badly damaged buildings.
disfigureMar or spoil the appearance of.
The vandals disfigured the statue.
dysfunctionalImpaired in function; especially of a bodily system or organ.
Dysfunctional behavior.
fatalityThe quality of being able to cause death or fatal disasters.
A sense of fatality gripped her.
harmCause or do harm to.
This could harm his World Cup prospects.
hurtHurt the feelings of.
She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests.
impairedHaving a disability of a specified kind.
Sight impaired children.
injureCause injuries or bodily harm to.
He injured his back helping the girl.
His injured pride.
injurious(of language) maliciously insulting; libellous.
Food which is injurious to health.
irreversiblyIn a way that cannot be undone or altered.
Our landscape will be irreversibly damaged.
lacerateCut or tear irregularly.
Her true venom seems reserved for the media itself as she lacerates our obsession with celebrity.
marredBlemished by injury or rough wear.
Walls marred by graffiti.
maulTake part in a maul.
During the trial she was mauled by the media.
painfullyIn or as if in pain.
She coughed painfully.
rehabilitateRestore (someone) to health or normal life by training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness.
Deng Xiao Ping was rehabilitated several times throughout his lifetime.
scarredBlemished by injury or rough wear.
Could her scarred mind ever be free of fear.
sepsisA serious condition resulting from the presence of harmful microorganisms in the blood or other tissues and the body’s response to their presence, potentially leading to the malfunctioning of various organs, shock, and death.
soreExtremely; severely.
All of us had sores and infections on our hands.
sufferUndergo or suffer.
Many saints suffered martyrdom.
throesIntense or violent pain and struggle, especially accompanying birth, death, or great change.
He convulsed in his death throes.
twinge(of a part of the body) suffer a sudden, sharp localized pain.
Twinges of conscience.
unrepairedUnserviceable because necessary repairs have not been made.

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