WOVEN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WOVEN?

Need another word that means the same as “woven”? Find 30 related words for “woven” in this overview.

Associations of "Woven" (30 Words)

braidForm or weave into a braid or braids.
Braid a collar.
cocoonWrap in or as if in a cocoon as for protection.
Americans are spending more time cocooning at home.
cottonFabric woven from cotton fibers.
A cotton reel.
crimpA small connecting piece for crimping wires or lines together.
The crimp on take home pay has been even tighter since taxes were raised.
crochetCreate by looping or crocheting.
Crochet a bedspread.
curlA curling movement.
Her fingers curled round the microphone.
deviateA person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior.
The river was deviated to prevent flooding.
flaxFiber of the flax plant that is made into thread and woven into linen fabric.
A mill for the preparation and spinning of flax.
hankA ring for securing a staysail to the stay.
A thick hank of her blonde hair.
interlaceMingle or intersperse something with.
Discussion interlaced with esoteric mathematics.
interweaveWeave or become woven together.
The branches met and interwove above his head.
kinkForm a curl curve or kink.
A kink in the road.
knitGarment made of a knitted fabric.
An array of casual knits.
knittingThe craft or action of knitting.
I put down my knitting.
linenWhite goods or clothing made with linen cloth.
He dealt in Irish linens.
meanderTo move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course.
The river flows in sweeping meanders.
meanderingAn act of wandering in a leisurely or aimless manner.
In the course of his meanderings through the city.
rambleTalk or write at length in a confused or inconsequential way.
Willy rambled on about Norman archways.
sewMake a garment by sewing.
The two sisters sewed their own dresses.
silkThread or fabric made from the fibre produced by the silkworm.
His fur was soft and as smooth as silk.
sinuousCurved or curving in and out.
The sinuous grace of a cat.
strandLeave stranded or isolated with little hope of rescue.
A strand of pearls.
stringProvide with strings.
A string quartet.
threadA programming structure or process formed by linking a number of separate elements or subroutines especially each of the tasks executed concurrently in multithreading.
The Thames was a thread of silver below them.
twistDo the twist.
He handed her a twist of paper.
warpIn weaving arrange yarn so as to form the warp of a piece of cloth.
Your judgement has been warped by your obvious dislike of him.
weftThe yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving.
Weft threads.
windThe act of winding or twisting.
An easterly wind.
woolYarn or textile fibre made from wool.
A sampler in coloured wools.
yarnTell or spin a yarn.
He had a bit of a yarn with the others.

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