Need another word that means the same as “acrid”? Find 20 synonyms and 30 related words for “acrid” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Acrid” are: acerb, acerbic, acid, bitter, blistering, caustic, sulfurous, sulphurous, virulent, vitriolic, pungent, sharp, sour, tart, harsh, acidic, acidulated, vinegary, acetic, acetous
Acrid as an Adjective
Definitions of "Acrid" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “acrid” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Strong and sharp.
- Unpleasantly bitter or pungent.
- Harsh or corrosive in tone.

Synonyms of "Acrid" as an adjective (20 Words)
acerb | Sour or bitter in taste. An acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose. |
acerbic | Harsh or corrosive in tone. His acerbic wit. |
acetic | Of or like vinegar or acetic acid. |
acetous | Producing or resembling vinegar. Acetous fermentation. |
acid | Having the characteristics of an acid. The magma may start off fairly basic and end up at the close of the eruption much more acid. |
acidic | Being sour to the taste. A cocktail of acidic pollutants. |
acidulated | Slightly acidic. Use of acidulated fertilizers can lead to long term soil degradation. |
bitter | Proceeding from or exhibiting great hostility or animosity. The bitter truth. |
blistering | Very fast; capable of quick response and great speed. Blistering sun. |
caustic | Harsh or corrosive in tone. The players were making caustic comments about the refereeing. |
harsh | Disagreeable to the senses. A harsh penalty. |
pungent | Having a sharply strong taste or smell. Pungent satire. |
sharp | Ending in a sharp point. He heard her sharp intake of breath. |
sour | (of soil) deficient in lime and usually dank. She sampled the wine and found it was sour. |
sulfurous | Of or related to or containing sulfur or derived from sulfur. A sulfurous denunciation. |
sulphurous | Characterized by oppressive heat and humidity. Wafts of sulphurous fumes. |
vinegary | Sour or peevish in nature. Onions in a sharp vinegary sauce. |
virulent | Extremely poisonous or injurious; producing venom. A virulent attack on liberalism. |
vitriolic | Harsh or corrosive in tone. Vitriolic attacks on the politicians. |
Usage Examples of "Acrid" as an adjective
- Acrid smoke.
- The acrid smell of burning rubber.
- Her acrid remarks make her many enemies.
- An acrid smell.
Associations of "Acrid" (30 Words)
acerbic | Tasting sour or bitter. An acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose. |
acerbity | A sharp bitterness. Their relationship was built on a certain mutual acerbity. |
acid | Having the characteristics of an acid. Acid fruit. |
acrimonious | (typically of speech or discussion) angry and bitter. An acrimonious dispute. |
acute | Denoting or designed for patients with an acute form of a disease. An acute awareness of changing fashions. |
alkali | A compound with particular chemical properties including turning litmus blue and neutralizing or effervescing with acids; typically, a caustic or corrosive substance of this kind such as lime or soda. The reaction is followed by measuring the concentration of alkali at various times. |
biting | (of wind or cold) so cold as to be painful. A cream to ward off biting insects. |
bitter | Alcohol flavoured with bitter plant extracts used as an additive in cocktails or as a medicinal substance to promote appetite or digestion. A dash of bitters. |
bitterness | The taste experience when quinine or coffee is taken into the mouth. The lime juice imparts a slight bitterness. |
erosive | Wearing away by friction. The erosive effects of waves on the shoreline. |
flavor | Lend flavor to. |
iodine | A solution of iodine in alcohol used as a mild antiseptic. |
mordant | Impregnate or treat a fabric with a mordant. Mordanted wool. |
nitric | Of or containing nitrogen with a higher valency, often five. Nitric acid. |
phenylalanine | An essential amino acid found in proteins and needed for growth of children and for protein metabolism in children and adults; abundant in milk and eggs; it is normally converted to tyrosine in the human body. |
piquant | Attracting or delighting. A piquant face with large appealing eyes. |
pungent | Having a sharply strong taste or smell. The pungent smell of frying onions. |
rancid | (used of decomposing oils or fats) having a rank smell or taste usually due to a chemical change or decomposition. Rancid bacon. |
reek | Have an element suggestive (of something. He recovered himself and turned to peer through the reek. |
resentful | Full of or marked by resentment or indignant ill will. Resentful at the way he was treated. |
sharp | A long thin sewing needle with a sharp point. There was a sharp increase in interest rates. |
smell | A quality in something that is perceived by the faculty of smell an odour or scent. It smelled like cough medicine. |
sour | Make or become sour. The meeting ended on a sour note. |
spicy | Suggestive of sexual impropriety. I like my chili extra spicy. |
stench | A distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant. The stench of rotting fish. |
stink | Be extremely bad in quality or in one’s performance. The whole episode is so stink that the principal asked for an immediate transfer of the teacher. |
sulfuric | Of or relating to or containing sulfur. |
tangy | Tasting sour like a lemon. A tangy salad. |
taste | Have a distinctive or characteristic taste. The waiter poured some wine for him to taste. |
vitriolic | Filled with bitter criticism or malice. A vitriolic critique. |