Need another word that means the same as “adhere”? Find 37 synonyms and 30 related words for “adhere” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Adhere” are: bind, bond, hold fast, stick, stick to, stand by, stick by, cleave, cling, cohere, stick fast, attach, get involved with, take up with, join up with, go around with, string along with, become friendly with, make friends with, strike up a friendship with, start seeing, make the acquaintance of, abide by, hold to, comply with, be faithful to, act in accordance with, pay attention to, pay regard to, go along with, cooperate with, conform to, submit to, be attached to, be connected with, be affiliated to, be a member of
Adhere as a Verb
Definitions of "Adhere" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “adhere” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Be a devoted follower or supporter.
- Closely follow, observe, or represent.
- Be loyal to.
- Stick fast to (a surface or substance.
- Follow through or carry out a plan without deviation.
- Come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation.
- Believe in and follow the practices of.
- Stick to firmly.
- Be compatible or in accordance with.

Synonyms of "Adhere" as a verb (37 Words)
abide by | Put up with something or somebody unpleasant. |
act in accordance with | Perform on a stage or theater. |
attach | Be attached be in contact with. I attach a copy of the memo for your information. |
be a member of | Have an existence, be extant. |
be affiliated to | Be identical to; be someone or something. |
be attached to | Work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function. |
be connected with | Be priced at. |
be faithful to | Have an existence, be extant. |
become friendly with | Enter or assume a certain state or condition. |
bind | Provide with a binding. Clay is made up chiefly of tiny soil particles that bind together tightly. |
bond | Issue bonds on. The failure to properly bond with their children. |
cleave | Come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation. Cleave the bone. |
cling | Adhere or stick firmly or closely to; be hard to part or remove from. You are clinging to him for security. |
cohere | Cause to form a united, orderly, and aesthetically consistent whole. The sushi rice grains cohere. |
comply with | Act in accordance with someone’s rules, commands, or wishes. |
conform to | Be similar, be in line with. |
cooperate with | Work together on a common enterprise of project. |
get involved with | Cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition. |
go along with | Pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life. |
go around with | To be spent or finished. |
hold fast | Resist or confront with resistance. |
hold to | Have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense. |
join up with | Cause to become joined or linked. |
make friends with | Compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way. |
make the acquaintance of | Compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way. |
pay attention to | Cancel or discharge a debt. |
pay regard to | Cancel or discharge a debt. |
stand by | Be in effect; be or remain in force. |
start seeing | Set in motion, cause to start. |
stick | Come or be in close contact with stick or hold together and resist separation. She sticks to her principles. |
stick by | Be a devoted follower or supporter. |
stick fast | Be a devoted follower or supporter. |
stick to | Stick to firmly. |
strike up a friendship with | Arrive at after reckoning, deliberating, and weighing. |
string along with | Add as if on a string. |
submit to | Make an application as for a job or funding. |
take up with | Take by force. |

Usage Examples of "Adhere" as a verb
- I do not adhere to any organized religion.
- The account adhered firmly to fact.
- They adhered to their plan.
- The residents of this village adhered to Catholicism.
- Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?
- Paint won't adhere well to a greasy surface.
- You must adhere to the rules.

Associations of "Adhere" (30 Words)
adhesive | A substance that unites or bonds surfaces together. An adhesive label. |
affix | A linguistic element added to a word to produce an inflected or derived form. Grammatical morphemes affix to the stem. |
attach | Become attached. The spider s thread attached to the window sill. |
cleave | Split (a molecule) by breaking a particular chemical bond. Cleave the bone. |
cling | A clingstone peach. The fish cling to the line of the weed. |
decal | A design prepared on special paper for durable transfer on to another surface such as glass or porcelain. |
desperately | In a way that shows despair. He desperately needed a drink. |
drill | Make a hole in something by boring with a drill. A sergeant was drilling new recruits. |
epoxy | Glue with epoxy. Epoxy cement. |
glue | Be fixed as if by glue. His eyes were glued on her. |
guideline | A light line that is used in lettering to help align the letters. The organization has issued guidelines for people working with prisoners. |
impale | Transfix or pierce with a sharp instrument. His head was impaled on a pike and exhibited for all to see. |
join | Be or become joined or united or linked. They joined up with local environmentalists. |
pitchy | Like or as dark as pitch. |
poke | Prod and stir a fire with a poker to make it burn more fiercely. She drew the curtains then poked the fire into a blaze. |
prickle | Make a small hole into, as with a needle or a thorn. She prickled at the implication that she had led a protected life. |
primer | A small pump for pumping fuel to prime an internal combustion engine, especially in an aircraft. No more than four pumps of the primer usually suffice. |
spike | Secure with spikes. They used spikes to fasten the rails to a railroad tie. |
spiny | Full of or covered with prickles. A spiny cactus. |
splinter | Break up into splinters or slivers. A splinter of ice. |
stake | Tie or fasten to a stake. Bishop Ridley was burned at the stake. |
stick | Come or be in close contact with stick or hold together and resist separation. The policy so far is all stick and no carrot. |
sticker | A small sharp-pointed tip resembling a spike on a stem or leaf. A disabled sticker for our car. |
sticky | Having the sticky properties of an adhesive. A sticky question. |
tacky | Not completely dried and slightly sticky to the touch. Tacky varnish. |
tape | A cassette or reel containing magnetic tape for recording. Tape the shipping label to the box. |
thorn | A thorny bush shrub or tree especially a hawthorn. The issue has become a thorn in renewing the peace talks. |
viscid | Having the sticky properties of an adhesive. The viscid mucus lining of the intestine. |
viscous | Having the sticky properties of an adhesive. Viscous lava. |
windshield | A window at the front of the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle; a windscreen. |