Need another word that means the same as “stake”? Find 46 synonyms and 30 related words for “stake” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Stake” are: bet, stakes, wager, post, interest, pole, stick, spike, upright, support, prop, strut, stave, pale, paling, picket, pile, piling, stanchion, shaft, cane, beanpole, rod, mast, adventure, hazard, jeopardize, venture, impale, back, bet on, gage, game, punt, prop up, tie up, tether, hold up, bolster up, brace, buttress, reinforce, truss, stay
Stake as a Noun
Definitions of "Stake" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “stake” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- (law) a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something.
- The money risked on a gamble.
- A strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end, driven into the ground to support a plant, form part of a fence, mark a boundary, etc.
- A right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something.
- A pole or stake set up to mark something (as the start or end of a race track.
- A territorial division of a Latter-day Saints (Mormon) Church under the jurisdiction of a president.
- A metalworker's small anvil, typically with a projection for fitting into a socket on a bench.
- Instrument of execution consisting of a vertical post that a victim is tied to for burning.
- A strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end so it can be driven into the ground.
- A long vertical rod used in basket-making.
- A wooden post to which a person was tied before being burned alive as a punishment.

Synonyms of "Stake" as a noun (24 Words)
beanpole | A tall, thin person. |
bet | An act of betting a sum of money. The bookies are taking bets on his possible successor. |
cane | A length of cane or a slender stick especially one used as a support for plants a walking stick or an instrument of punishment. Tie the shoot to a cane if vertical growth is required. |
interest | The selfish pursuit of one s own welfare self interest. They said nothing of great interest. |
mast | Any sturdy upright pole. |
pale | A wooden strip forming part of a fence. |
paling | A post used in a paling. |
picket | A blockade of a workplace or other venue staged by a picket. When would this headlong advance run into the enemy pickets. |
pile | (often followed by `of’) a large number or amount or extent. He s making piles of money. |
piling | A nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fission to generate energy. Wooden piling supporting a complex of waterfront buildings. |
pole | A long fiberglass sports implement used for pole vaulting. They are at opposite poles. |
post | A goalpost. A soldier manned the entrance post. |
prop | A propeller that rotates to push against air. He looked around for a prop to pin the door open. |
rod | A square rod of land. Concrete walls reinforced with steel rods. |
shaft | An arrow or spear. The shaft of a feather. |
spike | Fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn. The seismograph showed a sharp spike in response to the temblor. |
stakes | A strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end so it can be driven into the ground. |
stanchion | Any vertical post or rod used as a support. |
stave | A vertical wooden post or plank in a building or other structure. |
stick | In field hockey the foul play of raising the stick above the shoulder. He felt hard done by living out in the sticks. |
strut | Brace consisting of a bar or rod used to resist longitudinal compression. A supporting strut. |
support | The action of supporting something or someone or the state of being supported. He leaned against the wall for support. |
upright | An upright piano. The ball sailed between the uprights. |
wager | The money risked on a gamble. They have made a wager on who will win tonight. |

Usage Examples of "Stake" as a noun
- Bishop Ridley was burned at the stake.
- A stake in the company's future.
- The corner of the lot was indicated by a stake.

Stake as a Verb
Definitions of "Stake" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “stake” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Support (a plant) with a stake or stakes.
- Tie or fasten to a stake.
- Kill by piercing with a spear or sharp pole.
- Mark with a stake.
- Put at risk.
- Place a bet on.

Synonyms of "Stake" as a verb (22 Words)
adventure | Put (one’s money or life) at risk. He adventured 300 in the purchase of land. |
back | Be in back of. Can you back up your claims. |
bet on | Maintain with or as if with a bet. |
bolster up | Add padding to. |
brace | Support or hold steady and make steadfast with or as if with a brace. She braced her feet against a projecting shelf. |
buttress | Reinforce with a buttress. Authority was buttressed by religious belief. |
gage | Place a bet on. A guide sent to them by the headman of this place gaged his life as a forfeit if he failed. |
game | Play gambling games. The majority of the audience are teens who game and watch anime. |
hazard | Put at risk. He hazarded a guess. |
hold up | Assert or affirm. |
impale | Transfix or pierce with a sharp instrument. The impaled arms of her husband and her father. |
jeopardize | Put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure. A devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize New York s position as a financial centre. |
post | Assign to a post put into a post. The company posted the news on its blog yesterday. |
prop up | Support by placing against something solid or rigid. |
punt | Convey in a punt. In summer you can enjoy punting along the river. |
reinforce | Strengthen or support (an object or substance), especially with additional material. The helmet has been reinforced with a double layer of cork. |
stay | Fasten with stays. I grabbed something to stay the pangs of hunger. |
support | Be the physical support of carry the weight of. The evidence supports the defendant. |
tether | Tie with a tether. Tether horses. |
tie up | Finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc. |
truss | Support a roof bridge or other structure with a truss or trusses. Truss the roofs. |
venture | Put at risk. May I venture to add a few comments. |

Usage Examples of "Stake" as a verb
- I will stake my good reputation for this.
- Vigorous plants need staking.
- Stake your goat.
- Stake out the path.
- The gladioli were staked in gaudy ranks.

Associations of "Stake" (30 Words)
adhere | Be loyal to. The account adhered firmly to fact. |
bonus | An extra and unexpected advantage. Good weather is an added bonus but the real appeal is the landscape. |
bush | Vegetation growing in the bush. A rose bush. |
dividend | An individual s share of a dividend. Buying a rail pass may still pay dividends. |
drill | Similar to the mandrill but smaller and less brightly colored. Tables can be mastered by drill and practice. |
empower | Make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights. Members are empowered to audit the accounts of limited companies. |
endue | Endow or provide with a quality or ability. Our sight would be endued with a far greater sharpness. |
harpoon | Spear with a harpoon. Gilbert s father harpooned a five metre basking shark. |
impale | Pierce with a sharp stake or point. Impale a shrimp on a skewer. |
income | Money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments. He has a nice home and an adequate income. |
invest | Make an investment. He stands before you invested in the full canonicals of his calling. |
lance | Prick or cut open an abscess or boil with a lancet or other sharp instrument. He lanced through Harlequins midfield to score Swansea s lone try. |
payment | An amount paid or payable. A compensation payment of 2500. |
pinch | Irritate as if by a nip pinch or tear. Mrs Grandison s pointed Italian style shoes were already beginning to pinch her feet. |
poke | Prod and stir a fire with a poker to make it burn more fiercely. His mother comes into his room sometimes and has a poke round. |
porcupine | Relatively large rodents with sharp erectile bristles mingled with the fur. |
prickle | Cause a stinging or tingling sensation. The prickles of the gorse bushes. |
prickly | Very irritable. This is a prickly subject. |
shareholder | Someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation. |
sliver | Convert textile fibres into slivers. The fibres are combed or carded then slivered and spun into yarn. |
spear | Pierce with a spear. She speared her last chip with her fork. |
spike | Of a newspaper editor reject a story by or as if by filing it on a spike. Lightning spiked across the sky. |
spindle | A Eurasian shrub or small tree with slender toothed leaves and pink capsules containing bright orange seeds Its hard timber was formerly used for making spindles. Chromosomes are distributed by spindles in mitosis and meiosis. |
spinous | Having spines. The dorsal fin is spinous. |
spiny | Difficult to understand or handle. A spiny problem. |
stick | In field hockey the foul play of raising the stick above the shoulder. Janet s not such a bad old stick sometimes. |
sticker | A small sharp-pointed tip resembling a spike on a stem or leaf. A disabled sticker for our car. |
sting | A painful wound caused by the thrust of an insect s stinger into skin. She smiled to take the sting out of her words. |
thorn | A thorny bush shrub or tree especially a hawthorn. The issue has become a thorn in renewing the peace talks. |
transfix | Pierce with a sharp stake or point. A field mouse is transfixed by the curved talons of an owl. |