Need another word that means the same as “reinforce”? Find 21 synonyms and 30 related words for “reinforce” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Reinforce” are: reward, reenforce, strengthen, fortify, bolster up, shore up, buttress, prop up, underpin, brace, stiffen, toughen, support, hold up, augment, increase, add to, supplement, boost, swell, build up
Reinforce as a Verb
Definitions of "Reinforce" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “reinforce” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Strengthen (a military force) with additional personnel or equipment.
- Strengthen and support with rewards.
- Make stronger.
- Strengthen or support (an object or substance), especially with additional material.
- Strengthen (an existing feeling, idea, or habit.

Synonyms of "Reinforce" as a verb (21 Words)
add to | Constitute an addition. |
augment | Make (something) greater by adding to it; increase. The pressure augmented. |
bolster up | Prop up with a pillow or bolster. |
boost | Give a boost to be beneficial to. Boost the voltage in an electrical circuit. |
brace | Support or hold steady and make steadfast with or as if with a brace. The posts were braced by lengths of timber. |
build up | Give form to, according to a plan. |
buttress | Reinforce with a buttress. We buttressed the wall as it was showing signs of cracking and collapse. |
fortify | Prepare oneself for a military confrontation. The wine is aged in oak barrels and fortified with French brandy. |
hold up | Have or hold in one’s hands or grip. |
increase | Make bigger or more. The boss finally increased her salary. |
prop up | Support by placing against something solid or rigid. |
reenforce | Make stronger. |
reward | Strengthen and support with rewards. Their hard work was rewarded by the winning of a five year contract. |
shore up | Arrive on shore. |
stiffen | Become stiff or stiffer. He stiffened his knees in an effort to prevent them trembling. |
strengthen | Make strong or stronger. He advises an application of fluoride to strengthen the teeth. |
supplement | Add as a supplement to what seems insufficient. I looked for a part time job to supplement my income. |
support | Support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm. The land had lost its capacity to support life. |
swell | Expand abnormally. The low murmur swelled to a roar. |
toughen | Make (rules or a policy) stricter and more harsh. Proposals to toughen up sentencing policy. |
underpin | Support (a building or other structure) from below by laying a solid foundation below ground level or by substituting stronger for weaker materials. The theme of honour underpinning the two books. |

Usage Examples of "Reinforce" as a verb
- The helmet has been reinforced with a double layer of cork.
- The next few months reinforced my opinion of Vince as a man of his word.
- He reinforced the concrete.
- Paratroopers were sent to reinforce the troops already in the area.
- Let's reinforce good behavior.

Associations of "Reinforce" (30 Words)
bolster | Prop up with a pillow or bolster. The fall in interest rates is starting to bolster confidence. |
bond | Criminal law money that must be forfeited by the bondsman if an accused person fails to appear in court for trial. The failure to properly bond with their children. |
brace | Support or hold steady and make steadfast with or as if with a brace. Police are braced for a traffic nightmare today. |
calcify | Turn into lime; become calcified. A few studies raised concern that excess calcium may calcify coronary arteries in susceptible individuals. |
cooperation | The formation and operation of cooperatives. They agreed on a policy of cooperation. |
deepen | Make more intense, stronger, or more marked. The crisis deepened. |
defensible | Able to be protected. A morally defensible penal system. |
development | (biology) the process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level. Agitation is carried out while a film is processed to ensure even development. |
enhance | Make better or more attractive. His refusal does nothing to enhance his reputation. |
escalate | Increase in extent or intensity. The Allies escalated the bombing. |
exacerbate | Make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse. The exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem. |
fortify | Enclose by or as if by a fortification. Most commercial brands of almond milk are fortified with vitamins A, D, B2, B12, calcium, and zinc. |
harden | Harden by reheating and cooling in oil. The wax hardened. |
heighten | Make more extreme; raise in quantity, degree, or intensity. The tension heightened. |
increase | The amount by which something increases. The amount of work increased. |
intensification | The action of making or becoming more intense. The intensification of the conflict. |
intensify | Increase the opacity of (a negative) using a chemical. The dispute began to intensify. |
intension | The internal content of a concept. |
intensity | The amount of energy transmitted (as by acoustic or electromagnetic radiation. Hydrothermal processes of low intensity. |
ossify | Become bony. These tracheal cartilages may ossify. |
reinforcement | A device designed to provide additional strength. Positive feedback leads to reinforcement. |
rise | Rise up. The wind continued to rise. |
sharpen | Make (one’s senses) more acute. Sharpen the knives. |
stiffen | Make or become stronger or more steadfast. He stiffened his knees in an effort to prevent them trembling. |
strength | The number of people comprising a group, typically a team or army. An under strength side. |
strengthen | Give a healthy elasticity to. The wind won t strengthen until after dark. |
strong | Having a strong physiological or chemical effect. A strong man. |
stronghold | A place that has been fortified so as to protect it against attack. Their mountain strongholds fell to enemy attack. |
toughen | Make or become stronger or more resilient. Proposals to toughen up sentencing policy. |
widening | The act of making something wider. |