Need another word that means the same as “escalate”? Find 27 synonyms and 30 related words for “escalate” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Escalate” are: intensify, step up, increase rapidly, soar, rocket, shoot up, mount, surge, spiral, grow rapidly, rise rapidly, climb, go up, grow, develop, mushroom, increase, be increased, be stepped up, build up, heighten, strengthen, accelerate, be extended, be enlarged, be magnified, be amplified
Escalate as a Verb
Definitions of "Escalate" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “escalate” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Make or become more intense or serious.
- Increase in extent or intensity.
- Increase rapidly.

Synonyms of "Escalate" as a verb (27 Words)
accelerate | Undergo a change in velocity. Inflation started to accelerate. |
be amplified | Be identical to; be someone or something. |
be enlarged | Have life, be alive. |
be extended | Happen, occur, take place. |
be increased | To remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted — used only in infinitive form. |
be magnified | Be identical to; be someone or something. |
be stepped up | Form or compose. |
build up | Bolster or strengthen. |
climb | (of a plant) grow up (a wall, tree, or trellis) by clinging with tendrils or by twining. Sales were climbing after prices were lowered. |
develop | Cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development. A flower developed on the branch. |
go up | Follow a certain course. |
grow | Become attached by or as if by the process of growth. More land was needed to grow crops for export. |
grow rapidly | Come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes. |
heighten | Make or become more intense. Concern over CFCs has heightened. |
increase | Make bigger or more. The amount of work increased. |
increase rapidly | Become bigger or greater in amount. |
intensify | Make more intense, stronger, or more marked. The dispute began to intensify. |
mount | (of a male mammal or bird) assume a position on top of (a female) in order to copulate. She was mounted on a white horse. |
mushroom | Form a shape resembling that of a mushroom. The problem mushroomed. |
rise rapidly | Move upward. |
rocket | Propel with a rocket. Prices skyrocketed. |
shoot up | Move quickly and violently. |
soar | Fly upwards or high in the sky. The dollar soared against the yen. |
spiral | Move in a spiral course. A wisp of smoke spiralled up from the trees. |
step up | Cause (a computer) to execute a single command. |
strengthen | Make strong or stronger. The wind won t strengthen until after dark. |
surge | (of a crowd or a natural force) move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward. The journalists surged forward. |

Usage Examples of "Escalate" as a verb
- The Allies escalated the bombing.
- We do not want to escalate the war.
- The disturbance escalated into a full-scale riot.
- The price of tickets escalated.

Associations of "Escalate" (30 Words)
ameliorate | Get better. The reform did much to ameliorate living standards. |
augment | Grow or intensify. He augmented his summer income by painting houses. |
augmentation | The lengthening of the time values of notes in a melodic part. The augmentation of the curriculum with new subjects. |
bolster | Prop up with a pillow or bolster. They bolstered the seats for a more comfortable ride. |
bond | Money that must be forfeited by the bondsman if an accused person fails to appear in court for trial. There was a bond of understanding between them. |
brace | Support or hold steady and make steadfast with or as if with a brace. He stood with legs braced. |
cooperation | The practice of cooperating. Economic cooperation. |
deepen | Make more intense, stronger, or more marked. His dislike for raw fish only deepened in Japan. |
defensible | Able to be protected. A morally defensible penal system. |
development | Act of improving by expanding or enlarging or refining. What a revolting development. |
enhance | Make better or more attractive. This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat. |
enlarge | Become larger or bigger. They have renovated and enlarged the four storey building. |
enrich | Make (someone) wealthy or wealthier. Her exposure to museums enriched her life in France. |
exacerbate | Exasperate or irritate. The exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem. |
fortify | Provide (a place) with defensive works as protection against attack. The wine is aged in oak barrels and fortified with French brandy. |
harden | Harden by reheating and cooling in oil. The cold hardened the butter. |
heighten | Make more extreme; raise in quantity, degree, or intensity. Heighten the tension. |
increase | The amount by which something increases. We are aiming to increase awareness of social issues. |
intensification | Action that makes something stronger or more extreme. The intensification of the conflict. |
intensify | Increase the opacity of (a negative) using a chemical. The dispute began to intensify. |
meliorate | Get better. |
optimize | Act as an optimist and take a sunny view of the world. We manage our time so that we optimize our productivity. |
ossify | Become bony. These tracheal cartilages may ossify. |
reinforce | Strengthen (an existing feeling, idea, or habit. Let s reinforce good behavior. |
reinforcement | A device designed to provide additional strength. He used gummed reinforcements to hold the page in his notebook. |
rise | Rise up. The moorlands rise and fall in gentle folds. |
strengthen | Give a healthy elasticity to. Strengthen the relations between the two countries. |
stronghold | A place where a particular cause or belief is strongly defended or upheld. A Labour stronghold. |
toughen | Make (rules or a policy) stricter and more harsh. This experience will toughen her. |
widening | An increase in width. |